Drabble 2: A Not So Smooth Criminal pt. 1 - Prompto

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Dedicated to the wonderful XNightThinkerX for suggesting a drabble with Prompto and also for being an amazing supporter of my works!

Drabble 2: A Not So Smooth Criminal pt. 1 – Prompto


Prompto had been waiting outside for hours, the cold starting to get to him as he continued to wait for you. Deciding that you weren't going to show up, he prepared himself to walk up the emergency staircase and then walk along the side of the building and enter through the window he had been staring at for way too long.

It was obvious that no one was home as no lights were on in the apartment, so he didn't have to worry about bumping into anyone and making a mad dash in order to avoid getting into any trouble. Rubbing his hands together as if he were warming up, he then began to make his way up the stairs, pulling up his hoody so no one could see his face.

Reaching the level where he needed to be, he slowly climbed over the railing and carefully placed a foot on the ledge that would help him to get to the window. Slowly, he placed both feet on the ledge and focused on keeping his balance as he began to walk across and towards the window. Eventually reaching the window, he took one hand away from the wall and focused on getting the window open.

Much to his surprise, the window had opened with ease. A smile appeared on his face as he opened the window as far as it could go and then readied himself to climb inside. Shuffling over a little more, he placed one leg through the window, let his body follow and then brought his other leg through so he was now sitting on the window ledge.

He jumped down, forgetting to duck and ended up hitting his head on the top of the window. Instead of landing on his feet, he fell to the ground, rubbing at his forehead as it began to throb with pain.

"For fucks sake..." he mumbled to himself as he stood, still rubbing at his forehead.

"Real smooth." A voice said from in front of him as a light shone directly at him.

Shielding his eyes from the sudden appearance of a bright light, Prompto had to squint his eyes in order to try and get a look at who was there with him, though the voice was a dead giveaway. "~~~~~?" he asked.

You chuckled and nodded your head in response. "The one and only!" you said, turning off the flashlight and walking towards Prompto, examining the bruise that was forming on his forehead. "I was always better at this than you." You teased, trying not to laugh.

"How long have you been up here?" he asked, slightly annoyed.

You shrugged and scratched your head before turning and looking around the apartment for anything valuable. "A while."

Prompto let out an agitated sigh and began looking around the apartment also. "I stood outside in the cold and waited for you for hours."

"That isn't my problem." You replied, picking up a small crystal of some kind and admiring it. It was like nothing you had ever seen before. It was glowing a brilliant blue and only seemed to glow brighter when you picked it up. "Huh..." you said, turning around to show Prompto when there was a loud banging on the door.

"OPEN UP!" a voice called out.

"Police!" Prompto said in a hushed whisper as the police started to yell and scream for the both of you to come out. They continued to hit the door and you knew that pretty soon they would break the door down.

"The window, quick!" you said, making a bee line for the window and quickly climbing out of it and dropping down to the ground. Lucky enough for the both of you, you weren't all that high up, but the drop was enough to send a small amount of pain through your ankles which made it a little more difficult for you to run away.

Prompto tried to follow pursuit, but in his panic as the police barged through the door, his grip on the window ledge slipped and he fell and landed on his side. He wouldn't be surprised if he had broken something. You ran back to him and tried to help him up, but the police were already hanging their heads out the window and informing other officers of your location.

"Go!" Prompto said as he pushed you away. "Get out of here!"

"I'm not leaving you!" you said, trying to help again but he only pushed you away harder this time.

"GO!" he screamed. You had never heard him yell before and his sudden outburst surprised you. "It's not worth it if we both get caught."

Nodding, you began to back away and you put your hoody over your head. "I'll come back for you."

Prompto watched as you ran off and continued trying to get himself up off the ground. It was soon after you left that police had rounded the corner, their guns pointed at Prompto. They shouted for him to stand up and put his hands in the air, with him doing so as best as he could despite the pain he was feeling.

Annoyed with himself for being caught, he rolled his eyes as an officer grabbed his arms and began to handcuff him. They then lead him to a squad car and shoved him inside, slamming the door shut. Another officer then climbed into the car and began to drive to the station. The radio in the car came to life as a gruff voice said that they were looking for 'the girl'.

"You got any idea where she is, kid?" the officer said, looking at him through the rear view mirror.

Prompto looked out the window, watching the street lights go by as he kept an eye out for you. His eyes caught sight of someone walking down the street in a hoody, their face covered slightly. He had to stop the smirk that wanted to appear on his face.

"Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you."



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