Chapter 16 - A Kept Woman

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I was ravenous the next time I woke. I tried to move and was struck immediately by the fact I was not alone. A hand was over my side laying on my stomach, and as I shifted to roll over a thick voice said:

"Oh no you don't."

A delicious tingle ran over me, then my stomach growled, making me giggle. The arm tightened "Just a bit longer." Saizo said.

I opened my eyes and could see I wasn't in my room, but his private chambers, the light outside was dim. I sighed, feeling the warmth of his body against my robe and found myself happy just to lie there.

Happy. What an unusual concept. I hadn't used or thought of that word for a very long time.

Over the next few days a stream of visitors regularly came by. I was strictly forbidden to get up out of bed in case I relapsed, apparently the poison would take time to leave my system. Absolute bed rest was prescribed.

I could only vaguely hear the stables from this part of the castle, so I was delighted to see Ryo bring the horses up to the verandah one clear morning, just so I could see them.

The only missing presence was Lord Shingen, his daughter told me that war preparations were in high gear, and his purge continued of double agents, even some of the retainers were gone. I'm afraid to say the complicated politics of this place was lost on me.

Each evening Saizo would return, sometimes sharing a meal together, and waking up in each other's arms. He point blank refused to tell me what had happened after the cave and I had to give up asking.

I was starting to get restless after about a week, I felt like a kept woman. As the days were so much warmer, the air in the room was cloying and humid in the heat of the day and I began to crave fresh air and the smell of the stables.

Saizo had hidden my clothes somewhere, obviously expecting me to try getting up.

"Damn you." I said in a huff.

I kicked my feet under the covers. I was bored out of my skull. I felt fine.

With all the preparations going on, surely I could slip out and be back before anyone noticed.

With a plan of action driving me, I knew I would have to work my body back to some sort of fitness, I felt disturbingly weak.

So I began to do exercises each day as soon as I was alone.

It felt sneaky and naughty, but I also felt my muscles soon respond to the work. I had a plan. And I intended to stick to it.

Sengoku Visions IOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora