Chapter 10 - A Stolen Kiss & Becoming Takeda

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Over the next few hours as the light faded in my room, I heard several more riders return to the courtyard. At one point there was loud shouting, though I couldn't recognise the voices. I never heard anyone shout in anger here before. At the sound of swords a cold rush of fear went through me. I sat in my robe on the floor, hugging my knees. Part of me wanted to slide the door and see what was going on, but a much larger part kept me pinned to the floor.

A shadow passed my door and it rasped open, making me jump. It was Shinshoni, with a tray. Relieved, I beckoned her inside. She looked back and forth between the kimono and me and said:

"You managed that by yourself ...?"

If only she knew, I almost ripped it off in frustration at one point. I offered her a sheepish look and a shrug as a response.

We sat nibbling treats and drinking tea for a while, talking about nothing in particular, it was lovely. After my third yawn she bade me goodnight and I snuggled into my bedding, welcoming its embrace.

I was woken by a sharp rapping on my door and before I could answer, Saizo barged in. I gasped and clutched my bedding to my chest, feeling more than a little vulnerable.

"Get up." He ordered, squatting next to me, "You have been summoned to the Main Hall." My heart jumped as he added, "Hurry up." With a tone like ice.

He showed no sign of leaving to allow me to dress, I hesitated, still clutching the bedding. He tossed my clothes over without another word, watching me fumble to comply. I had never been under this sort of scrutiny in my life, so I did indeed hurry, only slowing to be kind to my still sore shoulder.

At this point Saizo looked away, a flash of something crossed his face, but the darkened room prevented me from seeing clearly what it was.

"Ready?" It wasn't really a question, he moved to leave if I was ready or not.

The Main Hall was brightly lit and full to the brim with men. Many were engrossed in conversation; the deep voices a low rumble around the space. As we entered Lord Shingen stepped from the dais and the room quietened, he strode to meet me half way as Saizo evaporated. Two large hands settled on my shoulders before turning me to stand in front of him, and I felt him draw breath to speak.

"Many of you have met Tamara, or at least seen her skills on the training grounds." Murmurs roamed the Hall, not all of them sounded pleasant. "I have found her more than worthy of becoming Takeda." His tone brooked there would be no question of his authority. I felt more than a bit uncomfortable, and I didn't really understand why I was being given the Takeda name. Shingen squeezed my shoulders, and his touch leant me strength as I cast my eyes around the sea of faces to see one or two approving nods.

"She will oversee the long spear training with Lord Yukimura. Tamara's voice has my own behind it. Any issue from you will come straight to me."

Several men went to protest and I felt him bristle behind me.

"Lady Tamara Swift" Lord Shingen said, and I turned sharply at the title in order to see his face. "Until tomorrow." He dismissed me and went back towards the dais.

As soon as I turned out of the Hall I grabbed a verandah pillar for support, my breathing coming in ragged gasps. I practically fled back to my room and dived under the covers, my heart still pounding. What the fuck had just happened?

I guess I must have passed out because when I woke there was soft light around me and I was still in my breeches and boots under the bedding. The courtyard was quiet, it was early, and I padded over to the stables hoping to go unnoticed.

"And where do we think we are going little lady?" A voice appeared next to me a split second before the man himself.

"As if you didn't know." I replied tersely, this ninja thing would never stop freaking me out.

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