Chapter 5 - A Kimono, a Breakfast & a Race

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I felt so much better when I woke. Light had replaced the lamplight and my animal companions stretched with me. My first thought brought back the image of Saizo's face like a snapshot, clear and focused. Those eyes. I sighed heavily, then heard myself giggle for no apparent reason. I bit my lip, feeling my heart skip a beat, and decided to just go with all of this. Wherever the rest of 'me' was, this dream, or whatever it was, was starting to get interesting.

My body still complained about moving, but with steadier control I managed to get my breeches on. My Technicolor ankle was not so swollen and with some cursing and huffing I put my socks on. I took a moment to recover, and both dogs nuzzled me, tails wagging as I gave them a head rub. My resident feline looked lazily at me and sank back into the covers, whilst the dogs seemed to be encouraging me to get going.

Using the low table I found lifting my body a bit easier, but my shoulder still burnt with a deep ache. I looked again at the bandage on my right arm and felt myself blush. My skin still remembered his touch.

I suddenly wished I hadn't put down my handbag at the market to put on the pendant, my phone would have been handy for pictures. The market seemed so long ago. I shoved back the thought, slid on my boots and looked at my fleece and jumper. There was no way I could get those on, and where the heck was my bra?

I stayed sitting on the table, not really sure what to do, searching the room to see if there was anything I could wear.

"Tamara?" I heard a female voice outside the door. It then slid open and, wait, what was her name? Shin ... Shinshoni! That was it, entered, holding something in her arms. She seemed quite surprised to see me sitting on the table. Both dogs immediately went to greet her, wagging tails and circling her, making her approach stilted. She said something to them and they obediently sat down, their happy tails still thumping the polished floor.

She bent down and then knelt onto the floor, it was done with one graceful, fluid movement. I was awestruck. Leaning in, she said:

"You have been summoned to join my father in the Main Hall, I brought you something to wear."

She laid the bundle on my lap, and I could feel the fabric was heavy and stunningly embroidered with flowers and vines. From the glint it looked like gold thread. It was layers of kimono.

"No way!" I said, perhaps a bit too sharply, while my brain continued: "I'm not wearing a bloody dressing gown."

"But your clothes .... You dress like a man?" She questioned, clearly at a loss to understand rather than insulted by my refusal. Shinshoni sat back on her heels and tilted her head, her ruby red hair falling to the side. There was no mistaking who's daughter she was, even down to his mannerisms.

"I'm sorry." I hastily apologized, and she leant back again to better understand me. "Where I am from my clothes are considered ..." I struggled for the right word, "... ladylike."

Her eyes opened wide, then she smiled and shook her head, a light laugh escaping her lips. I picked up my tops and she immediately grasped my problem. Without another word Shinshoni stood up and between the two of us we managed to get me into both The familiar feel of my jumper was a tonic, even if my left arm was not in the sleeve. I felt like me despite all the strangeness around me. The one thing I was truly grateful for was Shinshoni braiding and putting up my hair.

"There." She said, placing her hands on the back of my shoulders. "Come, or there won't be much left to eat, the men tend to stuff themselves full on these chill mornings."

"One thing first." I gave her a knowing look as we left the room. Walking felt so much better with socks on. Shinshoni smiled and nodded, this time I remember where to go and emerged feeling at least physically more prepared to face the Hall.

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