Chapter 11 - Apologies & Pots

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The rather pungent and 'delightful' aroma of soggy, sweaty men slammed into me as I entered the Hall. The dais was empty, so I made my way over to Yukimura's side. He was positively beaming at me.

"Who do I thank for the clothes?" I asked, sinking down next to him, the smell of food making my stomach complain at waiting. He paused and looked me over with satisfaction in his eyes.

"Saizo." He said, returning to his meal.

"Oh." My heart sank. That's why he was in the courtyard this morning. I noted with some discomfort I was going to have to apologise to him. The memory of his kiss returned in my mind.

"Lady Tamara?" Yukimura questioned as my cheeks burned. I just shook my head, avoiding an answer and started to eat. The rain was now lashing the Hall, louder than all the voices and thunder cracked around us. It was turning into a proper storm out there.

"The rest of the day is yours." Yukimura started to stand up to leave. I reached out and grabbed his sleeve making him sit down again sharply.

"Where are the kitchens?" I asked, "I have an idea that will need some mixing."

"Whatever you need." He stood and left. I saw him stop and speak with Shinshoni at the back of the Hall, she looked towards me and smiled. We met up after I had finished eating and she guided me through the network of corridors and verandahs.

Bustling with busy hands and loud conversation it was lovely to walk into a room and be completely ignored. I dictated a list of ingredients and what else I needed and then was left alone.

"Aaaah." I relaxed into my own little bubble. The kitchen sounds were a barrier, cocooning me in peace.

It was some time later I emerged refreshed, a box of pots in my arms. My cloak had been returned to me, it whipped around in the wind as I set off on my next mission, to thank Lord Shingen for it. The storm was fierce, the courtyard slick with running water and I hugged the network of verandahs, arriving back at the Main Hall. I searched for someone familiar to ask were Lord Shingen was.

"Lady Tamara." His Lordship's voice from behind me made me jump, and as I swung around sharply in response I hit him squarely in the chest with the box I was carrying. He grabbed it as I let go, setting the pots into a dangerous rattle from within.

I gasped as he took the hit, hastily apologizing as I took back the box while he grimaced.

"You keep surprising me." He said, taking the words right out of my mouth. He ran his hands across the top of my shoulders, feeling the fit of the cloak.

"Thank you, it's beautiful ... and practical." I added quickly smiling at him. Being in his presence was intoxicating.

"What is in the box?" He enquired

"Ah...and experiment Lord Shingen," I said cryptically, "I would rather come to you with the results than try to explain it ... it might not work." I checked the pots before me, none were broken.

"You are not going to be blowing up my stables are you?" He leant in closer, his amber eyes dancing.

"Ahhahaha," I laughed back, "Nothing like that I promise."

"Alright then" He said. Before I knew what was happening he grabbed the back of my head, pulling my face forwards to his as he leant in, his long hair brushing my cheek. He kissed me. Then set me free. "Whatever you need, just ask." He purred in my ear.

And then he was gone.

"Arse." I said to the pots. "That's two kisses in one day."

Like a slap in the face, a gust of wind threw water on me and I hurried back to my room. I lit a couple of lamps to push back the darkness, the rage of the storm was duller, but it was lashing itself around the entire castle. I grabbed three pots, intent on getting to the stables, and made a run for it.

Ryo was surprised to see me, but readily went off to get my tack from the morning. I settled into my now favourite place on the straw bundles after a quick hello to the horses. Ryo returned with arms full of leather, the bridle had been taken apart to dry properly, the saddle also dismantled. I carefully laid out all the pieces around me and with a cloth supplied by Ryo, selected a pot.

I was hoping to make the tack more waterproof, along with my boots, and began working the mixture into the leather.

As loud as the storm was outside I felt at home, at peace again, the quiet steady munching of the horses was soothing. As my thoughts wandered about I realised I hadn't seen the dogs lately, and made a promise to myself to see them later.

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