Know your worth.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, and then slowly release. Where's Axel when I need him? This is so confusing. Axel always knows what to say.

All this overthinking and stress is because I don't have my wolf. It really took a toll on me when I wasn't able to shift at the right age, and until now, I'm still that girl who's trying to control her thoughts. It's hard, mostly when you're afraid of the things to come, knowing you're unsafe and unsure of the environment around you.

"Bree, it's time to go," Harris says, his hand at the small of my back. Looking back, I now start to notice the little gestures. He lingers when he's with my brother. He's attentive on the rare occasions when I talk and even shuts Troy up when he interrupts me.

"Oh, yeah," I stand up and put all the materials that I used inside my bag.

He chuckles, "You're cute."

A blush creeps on my face, I'm overwhelmed by his compliment. Did he just call me cute? What's so cute about being a scatterbrain?

We walk outside of school to meet with our pack. I laugh as I see Jasmine kicking Tony on his shin, "You imbecile!" She's such a bold woman.

"Jasmine, enough," Axel scolds her again and again.

Jasmine stops torturing Tony and approaches me, "What's up, little bee?"

"I'm fine," I wait as Harris moves towards the males, and leaves Jasmine and me at a reasonable distance. "Harris asked me out," I whisper, "We're having coffee."

She nods her head, "About time. He's such a wuss, always saying he's going to make his move, and then completely backs off because your father's scary."

Well, I'd prefer him asking me here rather than at home. I wouldn't want my father and brother breathing up our space as we'd only date around home. Here, I'd only have Axel to worry about.

Why am I even thinking about such things? It's not like I'm going to give in easily.

Is it even right to engage in a relationship at a time like this?

Relationships require precious time, attention, and responsibility. I already have a problematic relationship with myself.

"I don't know," I honestly tell Jasmine. Biting my lip, "Won't it just complicate things?"

Jasmine sighs and pulls me to look at her straight in the eyes. She crouches a bit so we're eye to eye, "Bree, undoubtedly, he'll be extra baggage, but I think he'll be a piece of excellent excess baggage. There are just some things your parents, your brother, and I are unable to provide, this being intimacy with a romantic partner. Plus, your father has approved of him. It took a lot of courage in Harris' place to even ask him. If I were some idiot like Tony, I would have never asked."

Whining at her for ruining her intellectual speech, "You guys are such bullies, but thank you."

"Well, I'm glad to have helped you," she shoots me with a huge smile. "Don't stress yourself, all right? Play hard to get, and let Harris serenade you so it'll drive him a little more insane."

Axel finally comes to view, "Harris finally asked you out?"

I nod my head, "I wouldn't have expected you and Dad to approve of Harris."

"It took a lot of convincing. Harris needed to prove himself. It's one of the reasons why he's my beta and not Tony," he clarifies.

My eyes widen as I hear him finish his sentence. He's liked me that long? I can't believe I've been this clueless.

"Although I've approved, I don't want you to rush into things. If he touches you in any way you're uncomfortable, I won't hesitate to hang his head," he reminds me with all seriousness.

As always, the overprotective brother.

Jasmine scoffs, "Don't tell her what to do when it comes to love. Let her explore and experience what she's curious about because that's just how it is. It's about learning from your experiences."

Nodding my head in agreement, "You're right again." I turn my gaze towards my brother and smile reassuringly, "You have nothing to worry about. Trust me. In case anything bad happens, I have Richard right on my thigh or on my waist."

Harris approaches us, and clears his throat, "I can tell that you've been informed. I feel your irritation even when you're not directly looking at me."

"Ignore him," I tell Harris.

Axel grunts, displeased at the ongoing situation, but he doesn't push it further. He commands everyone to gather around because he'll announce something first before we all head out to lunch.

We create a closed circle and attentively listen to what he's about to say.

"Tomorrow, a few high ranking wolves from the council will be coming here to interview a few of us for an assessment. I just want to be clear that we only speak of the things we discussed at home. Be concise. Now, I went to the office earlier and heard that there will be this huge upcoming event. I'm not sure as to when and where it will take place, but do inform me if you hear something from any one of the council's sons or daughters."

We nod our heads.

"Okay, good, any questions?" There's a shift of tone in his voice as says this. It's quite astonishing as to how my brother handles everything almost flawlessly.

"What is this upcoming event?" Jasmine queries.

"I couldn't decipher what they were saying about the event, but I do advise that each and every one of us should be prepared. We'll need to adjust our training days." He answers. Axel pauses for a bit, waiting for any follow-up questions, "Okay, let's grab a bite." He finally says.

I hope I won't get picked tomorrow.

Fingers tap my shoulder, and look at the person behind me, "How about we ditch the coffee and eat somewhere else?" Harris suggests with his lazy, boyish smile.

The heat rushes up to my neck, "Oh, you want to go now? S-sure?"

"Are you asking me, or are you telling me?"

Why does he have to have a charming face with a cute smile?

What are you saying, Bree? You used to not look at him, now you think he's attractive?

Maybe it's because when people take an interest in you, you want to know the reasons why they chose you, and in return, you create your own reasons to choose them, to see the beauty in them in exchange for the affection you've received.

Mustering up the courage to say a proper "yes," I stand up straighter and nod my head, "I'd love to have lunch with you."

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