Always in between: Who's side to choose. Chapter 9

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The next morning rides Finn with her father towards Nottingham. We needed to be there the sheriff said to us. To see the four guys hang today. Finn was quite on the way to Nottingham. She did not want to see them die, but what could she do? Absolutely nothing, and that was precisely the problem.

When they arrived in Nottingham they place there horses in the stables. After that Finn walked to Dan Scarlett and gave him a hug. Sir Flynn walked to Sir Edward and Marian.

"I keep hoping that Robin has a plan to get your sons back." Finn whispered in his ear. Dan just nodded. He was not so sure.  Finn went to Marian.

Finn noticed Marian that she was not totally happy with it.

We suddenly noticed that it was noisy and saw that Robin and Much walked to the Sheriff. It was clear that the people of Locksley were not totally happy with the decision of the sheriff and found it totally not like Robin to approved it.

Finn took pity on Robin by what was done to him and said to him.

When the sheriff came, and the prisoners were called they looked straight at them. Finn swallowed equally. She would like to shave have them now as the Shadowman. It is not, unfortunately, so she hopes that Robin has a plan.

Finn swallowed immediately when the verdict was read by Robin. They will die because they stole some flour. That's not fair. That 's not a big crime? Finn looked at Robin. She could not look at the four men. She did not really want see how they are hung.

Everyone looks surprised as a monk starts talking. Finn smiled when she saw who it was and looked straight to Robin and saw a sheriff who was angry and just wanted to go further.

What the monk said it did not help and it just went through.

Everyone looked at how the four were hanged until Robin could no longer take it and began to fight. Just to ensure that the four men would be free, he picked up a bow and arrow.

" People of Nottingham. These people committed no crime worth more than a spell in the stocks. Will you tolerate this injustice? I for one will not," said Robin and shot the ropes. The guys were directly drawn into the crowd.

We watched intently how Robin fight with the guards, and at the time Robin was in distress Marian helped suddenly to get him away. Robin and Finn looked surprised to Marian.

Much quickly ran downstairs and called Robin to go fast. Finn already heard Guy say that he went back to Locksley to find him there, but Finn was sure he would not be there. Robin also know that Locksley is the first place where Guy is looking for him and he is not crazy  to go there.

Always in between: Who's side to choose. [Robin Hood BBC fanfic]Where stories live. Discover now