There was something magical in the way the horse began to thoroughly lick the baby clean. It was a moment between a mother and her child and it made Sarah's heart tighten in endearment. She looked at Sunny who seemed so engrossed in what was going on. It had been a good idea to bring her. She then turned around and looked at Vivian. Vivian looked so happy and awestruck it made Sarah smile. Vivian's arm tightened around Sarah in acknowledgement and Sarah smile warmly. Hadn't seen this part of Vivian yet and it seemed Vivian was reluctant to show it to anyone. But that morning, Sarah noticed how horses were more than a passion for Vivian and the fact they had witnessed a birth was something out of the extraordinary.

"Vivian?" Sarah whispered. She was answered with a hum. Sarah could feel Vivian's breath on her cheek. "How long does it take for a baby horse to stand?"

"Half an hour at most. The vets usually wait until the faun is up and drinking before he can affirm the birth was successful without damage"

"It's a boy" the vet confirmed and Vivian gave a surprise, lively laugh. "Let's give the new family some time alone for a while"

Sarah dragged a reluctant Vivian away from the stall and brought her to where Sunny had sat down with a yawn. It was three in the morning, and the fatigue was catching up to her.

"Thank you for coming" Vivian told them with a smile.

"Thank you for inviting us" Sunny said happily "Arigato. I have never seen something so beautiful before"

"I don't think beautiful is the word to describe a horse in extreme pain as a wet living baby pop's out of her ass" Sarah said and received two pairs of glaring eyes. She swallowed. "But, I'll admit there was something special about the whole birth thing"

Thea, Vivian's mother, came in the barn with five mugs filled with hot chocolate. Sarah salivated at the smell of the aroma of warmth and chocolate. It was a very cold morning of May and anything hot was welcome.

"There you are sweethearts, wouldn't want you children suffering from cold" Thea said when she offered the three girls a mug each. She squeezed Vivian's shoulder before bringing the other mug to the vet who was standing a little farther away and kept one to herself.

"Why didn't you get her niceness?" Sarah asked Vivian. She smiled innocently when Vivian gave her a pointed look.

"Some genes simply don't make it to the next of kin"

"Sucks" Sarah received a slap on the shoulder almost spilling her beverage. 

"I want to be a rider" Sunny said after a moment of silence as they all savored the goodness of homemade hot chocolate.

"I'm sure Leanne would agree for you to get lessons" Vivian said. 

"What about you onee?" Sunny asked and Sarah grunted while Vivian chocked a laugh.

"Your sister doesn't even want to sit on a horse" Vivian joked and Sunny giggled.

"They are big animals. You can't control what happens if something goes wrong" Sarah defended herself.

"True, but that is a risk you must take" Vivian said frowned mockingly "Wasn't it you who said I didn't take enough of those?"

"Had I know you were risking your bones every day, I wouldn't have bothered making you jump in an ice river"

Vivian and Sunny laughed. They high-fived each other in front of Sarah, clearly enjoying her discomfort. They stayed all morning, enjoying each other's company until Leanne was awake enough to come get them. Sunny and Sarah said their goodbye's and entered the car. Sunny was in front and started babbling about the morning she had, not giving the slightest moment for Leanne to say a word. Sarah smiled through the rear mirror to Leanne, showing her pleasure of a good start of the day. Leanne winked back and listened to Sunny exclusively.

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