16. My dear, I'll look divine

Start from the beginning

Mid-morning, Ephram passed through the hall and Ursula pulled him aside to report all the uncommon things she had seen. After he took stock of Barry, he suggested that human activities might be behind it all.

"We've seen it before. Fishing or whaling or exploring that disrupts the normal patterns of sea life. Animals are driven outside of their normal ranges, and they become confused and frightened and thus, more prone to attack. If this is what is happening, I'm glad we have you around to help," he said, squeezing Ursula's shoulder. "Come to me with any new information."

"I will, Venerable Ephram."

Ursula returned to work, but kept her eyes open for an opportunity to slip away unnoticed. Perhaps she was needed at the temple, but there were other healers of all kinds on call, and she needed some hours to prepare for Triton.

Just after lunch, things slowed down and Ursula left without a word. Barry swam in silent obedience beside her. She didn't hate him at the moment: a testament to Amoret's skill.


Pacing in her small room, Ursula came up with a timeline. Exfoliating, then nails, then hair, then makeup. She'd wear her black cloak and her new pearls, and nothing else. Thinking about this sparked a nervous, excited smile.

Barry wandered aimlessly around the house as she worked. And work it was—her hair was the biggest task. "I bet Amoret has some obscure magic up her sleeve. How else could someone look that put together all the time?" she asked the barracuda as she ripped through her tangles with a comb.

He swam to the window at the mention of Amoret, as if she were approaching. "You'll see her tomorrow morning," Ursula said, rolling her eyes. "Could you fetch me some things?"  Barry's body drooped. The dejected monster fish helped Ursula pack a bag of supplies for renewing  Triton's protection spell.

In the end, Ursula wore the needle necklace from Aunt Melisande under her pearls because she felt naked without it. Once it was in place, she felt normal--despite being topless. She also wore all her usual rings.

The light was changing. "Time to go!" she sang to Barry, slipping into her cloak. "Please be on your best behavior, especially in front of Siddikah," she instructed him. He looked at her in dull puzzlement. "I'll explain on the way," she said. Ursula patted his head with something approaching affection.


"You look spectacular, unicorn fish. It's a shame I have to change you in any way," Siddikah sighed.

Ursula had removed her cloak and was turning 360 degrees to show the Squid Witch her elaborate half up, half down hairstyle. "Thank you, Siddikah. I'm so curious how I'll look as a mermaid, though!"

"You'll be beautiful. I'll see to that in a minute. But first, have Barry come forward. It's time you met my animal companion, as well."

Ursula had been dreading this moment. Barry was cowering inside the jaws of the Leviathan, watching his master from a distance. "I'll go get him. He's so...respectful...of other's space," she said over her shoulder as she retreated.

"Uh huh," the sorceress murmured, hands on hips.

"You're doing well!" Ursula whispered to Barry as they approached Siddikah.

Siddikah's assessment was instantaneous. "He looks quite stupid," she declared loudly. She narrowed her eyes. "Has he had a recent head injury, by chance?"

"No!" Ursula pet Barry's sides, feeling suddenly protective of him. There was no way to know if the friendship spell had finally kicked in for her, or if Siddikah's insult actually rubbed her the wrong way. Not that it mattered all that much.

Ursula's BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now