Chapter 27: Everything Has Changed

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I'd have to say, after accepting Christ, everything has pretty much changed for the better in my eyes. And I couldn't ask for anything else.

The day after I was dismissed from the hospital, we put my dad on trial. Chris got me an amazing lawyer, while dad didn't have one. He probably couldn't afford it because of spending so much money on alcohol and a lot of other things I'll probably never know about. But, after an argument with my hard-headed father, we finally convinced the judge and the jury to have my dad charged for domestic violence to a child, inflicting great bodily harm, and using a dangerous weapon. He's now going to spend 20 years in prison and has a pretty big fine to pay. I no longer have to worry about him anymore.

We also convinced the judge to make me an emancipated minor... along with getting help from Chris and Hunter. My brothers, their wives, and their kids moved in to several renovated shacks so they could be closer to me and help pay for the bills. I currently babysit Lauren and Scotty, anticipating to start babysitting my new niece or nephew, taking care of the ranch (with the varsity football team's help... along with Charlie, Wen, Lea, Chris, Hunter, Tucker, and Travis), and still go to school and church.

Everyone saw me differently when I came back to school. A lot of the people felt sorry for me at first. But, eventually, almost the entire school warmed up to me. But... I still have problems with Kassie and her crew. Turns out she was still talking trash about me while I was in the hospital. Thankfully there's a few more people supporting me along the way when it comes to those three.

As for me and Travis? Our relationship is still going strong. Sure, he tends to treat me as if I'm a frail China doll, but at least he cares, right? We don't exactly know what the future holds for us yet, but we do know that we see each other. He may move in with me eventually, but I'm going to wait until I meet him when I walk down the aisle. He still loves me, though, so it's not like it won't happen, right?

Let's just say... I'm completely blown away with what God has in store for me from here on in. I know He can work wonders and He will bless me. God is definitely good... and I can't believe it took me so long to finally realize that... but I'm ready to live out a new life with God leading the way.

I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS IS OVER ALREADY!!! AND A FEW CHAPTERS BEFORE WHAT I ORIGINALLY WANTED!!! D'X Alright, my lovelies, for those of you who have supported me throughout my book one way or another, let me just say thank you. Without you all, I don't know if I would've even made it this far with Blown Away. It was an amazing journey to write this book for you guys to enjoy and hopefully express my faith to all of you reading this. I hope in a way that this book has touched your hearts and helped you considered to think about what God has in store for your life if you just let Him take control. I love you guys so much, and I hope you will join me for my next book. It's going to be titled "Wildflowers and Redneck Boyz." I'll put the description for that book in here as the last part of the book to give a bit of advertising and let you guys know a little bit about what this book is all about in a nutshell.

Also, the reason I ended the book this way is because I didn't wanna have the typical ending. I wanted you guys to create your own ending. And here's the deal with that. I'm gonna make a deal with you all. Whoever has the most creative ideas on what's going to happen will help me on little ideas for the next book! Hunterhayeshayniac86 has already agreed to help me, but I'd really like to get different perspectives for my next book. So, leave a comment to tell me your ideas, and I'll PM you if you've won! I'm gonna say that the deadline is February 3 at 11:59 pm, so you guys have a little over three weeks to let me know. And yes there are dates on when you posted the comments so if you don't make it in time, I'm sorry, but you won't qualify into the "contest." Also, it CAN'T be anyone that knows me in person because their job is to pester me to update my books.

So, everyone, I hope you loved Blown Away as much as I did. I'm sorry Abi's journey is more than likely over, but all things must come to an end. Besides, what better way is there to kick off the new year fashionably late with a new book? Huh?? Anyone agree??? Oh well, I at least tried lol. So, anyway, thank you all so much, God Bless, and I hope you all will join me for Wildflowers and Redneck Boyz!!! :)

Blown Away (CURRENTLY EDITING)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ