Chapter 25: Waking Up

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ABI'S POV (I know.. I missed her, too!!! XD)

Everything's black. I can't feel anything. I can only feel enough to know that I'm laying on my back and that something is constricting my right arm, so now I can't move it. I try to open my eyes, but blinding white shines through. Wait... white? Am I going to die? Well, I might as well give in. I mean if I do I can see mama again. So I open my eyes all the way and regret it when the white lights attack my vision, so I close them. Wait a minute... it's still black... so... I'm not dead? Just unconscious? What happened to me? Where am I? I open my eyes slowly and take in the lights. The room is bland, I hear beeping noises in the background, and what feels like a bed is hurting my back and apparently has metal framing. A hospital? Why am I in a hospital? I look at my right arm to see what's constricting it and... umm... there's a needle... in my arm... A. Needle. Is. In. My. Arm... Why!?! I see the tube and my eyes decide to follow it... there's a blood sack... connected to the tube... leading to the needle... in my arm... Someone's. Blood. Is. Going. Into. My. Body. What is going on here!?! I look for the nurse help button and frantically press it five or six times for good measure. A few minutes later, a nurse in about her early 20's comes into the room like she's mad or something.

"I swear," the nurse groaned, "you boys are... Oh, Ms. Abi, you're awake. Let me go get the doctor. You need anything?" the first thing I thought about was how dry my throat felt, so I asked for something to drink by pointing at my throat. She gets the big hospital cup from the bathroom, fills it up with tap water, puts the straw in, and hands me the cup to drink from the straw. That sure helped my throat.

"What happened? Why am I in the hospital? And is there anyone here to see me?"

"Relax, sweetie, Dr. Johnston will be here in a few minutes to check on you."

"Okay." In my mind, it wasn't okay. I needed to know what happened to me. As soon as possible. Aka now. A doctor in about his mid thirties walked into the room a few minutes after the nurse did.

"Hello, Ms. White. How are you feeling?"


"Understandable. You've been out for quite a while now. I just have one question... What day do you think it is?"

"Uh... I don't know?"

"Okay, what is the most recent memory you can recall?"

"Um... well... my dad found me at Trav's house... took me home... told me to go to his office... had a pocket knife on him... and chased me with it... after that, everything turns black."

"Okay, thankfully, there's no sign of amnesia. We took the other tests after your surgery on Wednesday, so you should be good to go."

"Thanks... how long have I been in here exactly?"

"It's been roughly about 5 days." I was knocked out for five days!?! How bad did he hurt me this time!?!

"W-where is he?"

"A-are you wanting to see him?" He seemed pretty phased by that question. Is he freaked out about my dad, too?

"N-no. I-I just don't wanna have him come after me again."

"I see. Well, from what I've heard, one of your brothers arrived on the scene as your father was attacking you and arrested him."

"So... Chris saved my life?"

"Generally." Okay, Chris is officially my new favorite super hero.

"Can I see anybody?"

"Sure. Anyone in particular you wanna see first?"

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