Chapter 16: Oddsome Predicament

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I tried to open my eyes, but it was too bright.

*Stupid lights.*

So, I tried again, this time a bit slower. When they were fully open, I realized that the only light in the room was coming from the window. But the room didn't look familiar at all. Then I remembered that I was in the basement. But this looked nothing like the basement at all.

*How did I get out? Did dad move my location?*

I slowly got out of bed, aching with every movement I made, and went to the door. It was unlocked.

*This isn't like dad. He always locks me in a room if he's the reason that I'm in there.*

Suddenly, I heard voices. All too familiar voices.

*Is this real?*

I slowly went downstairs, not trying to draw attention to myself, and just stared in awe.

The living room looked the exact same from when I last visited. Family photos on the shelves, knickknacks on top the fireplace, the extremely fluffy couches and recliner. The walls were the same color, the floor had the same fuzzy carpet, the same Joshua 24:15 plaque was above the front doorway, and even the sign that says "Cook at Work; Do Not Disturb" was still above the doorway that lead to the kitchen. And the same red-headed woman and her husband were fighting in the kitchen.

"I swear, Jonathan, I love you, but if you don't quit goofin' around, I'll literally wack you upside the head," the woman exclaimed.

"C'mon now, Amy, I can't have one bite," he pleaded.

"No, not until Travis gets his sleepy butt down here after checkin' on Abi and wants his food."

"Fine then, you leave me no choice." Jonathan then slid his arms around Amy's waist. He had made his mistake. The woman had literally smacked her husband upside the head with her cooking spoon, leaving pieces of food in his hair.

"Dammit, Amy, you got oatmeal in my hair!" I had to stifle a giggle.

"Well, that's what you get."

"Oh yeah?"


"Well, how 'bout this?" a high-pitched scream suddenly filled the air.

"You idiot, why'd you throw flour at me!?!" Again, I has to stifle a giggle, but it just became harder.

"That's what you get, woman!"

"Mom, dad," another voice hollered with footsteps getting closer, "Abi's not in the guest room, I think she's-"

I guess the jig is up.

"You're awake!" he exclaimed. As he sprinted towards me, he wrapped me into a hug. It hurt like no tomorrow, but I hugged him back. I missed my best friend... or, I guess, boyfriend. He's been my rock when we were little, now, and even when he left me. He's always had a place in my heart and that'll never change.

"Hey, Trav, it still hurts," I reply honestly. He then let go and I suddenly became cold.

"I'm so sorry, Abi, I didn't mean to hurt you. Where does it hurt? Do you need ice, heat, antibiotics, or pills? Do you need some more rest? Are you-"

"Travis, quit pesterin' the poor girl," Amy said, "you're her boyfriend, not her mama."

"Thanks, Mrs. Benson."

"Abi, just 'cause we haven't seen each other in years does not mean you're gonna start calling me 'Mrs. Benson' understood?"


"Good. Now come here, honey." She opened her arms up to me and had tears in her eyes.

*Why is she about to cry?*

I went over to her and hugged her as best as I could without hurting her, and she did the same thing with me. "I'm sorry we weren't there for you, we all are. We just thought that, after your mother died, that you needed your space. We didn't think this would happen, and just left you alone. You'll forgive us, won't you?"

"Now, Amy, don't start thinking you guys did anything wrong. Mama would be rolling in her grave if you did. You're right, I did need a little space after mama died, but... I wasn't able to get it because of my dad shoving that it was my fault in my face... and I do admit that it was-"

"Don't say that, Abigail," Jonathan interrupted, "we all know this ain't your fault. God just called your mother home. And even if it was through a drunk driver colliding with your tailgate, landing in a ditch, your mother telling you and the EMTs to save you instead of her, a lit cigarette coming in contact with gasoline, and causing an explosion before she can be saved, then that's how He planned it."

"You can say it isn't my fault, but I'm still gonna say it is."

"Hey, let's say we forget about who's fault it is and eat breakfast?" Before Amy could even finish, the boys made a bee line for the dining room table, making Amy and I laugh.

"So, Amy, are you still holding that Christmas Ball," I asked.

"Well, we started doing a New Year's Ball with the community and a Christmas Ball with the family. I mean, it's more convenient, and with the Christmas Ball being for the public, it was harder to see family."

"I see. So... How exactly did I get here? The last place I remember being is locked in the basement of my house."

"Abi... You passed out before you got here."

"I-I did? W-what happened?"

*I didn't know I had passed out. Was that why I couldn't remember anything?*

"Well... Travis said you were all bloody and bruised when they found you. And, when they cleaned you up, you kept screaming your head off in pain, and I guess... you eventually couldn't handle it and... passed out."

"D-did dad really hurt me that bad?"

*He's never hurt me enough to slowly knock me out before. I can't believe he'd do something like that. It scares me to even imagine it.*

"Hey, don't worry about it now, it's in the past," Amy replied, "You can stay with us as long as you'd like. Besides, the family Christmas Ball is coming soon. And I do believe Travis will be asking you to go with him. And, since he will, we can invite your family, too. I mean, your family is practically a part of ours and the same thing when it comes to yours, so it's only natural."

"You're right, Amy. And that sounds amazing! I haven't been to one of your Christmas Balls since middle school!"

"Then it's settled. You'll be staying with us until you get stuff worked out and we'll go dress shopping tomorrow for both a Christmas and New Year's Eve Ball gown. You should get a few of your girlfriends to come along, too."

"I can do that." I can't believe I was going to another one of these balls. I missed them a lot. My brothers used to escort me to the ball and I would meet Travis there while Hunter danced with Lea (at the time they were middle/high school sweethearts) and Chris would dance with Katrina. Travis and I danced a couple dances, but most of the time we either talked or pranked our siblings. 

I'll be glad to experience another Christmas Ball with Travis.

This time as his girlfriend...

Alright, how'd you enjoy this chapter? I'm sorry if it's later than you'd probably like it to be. Even though I've had snow days the past couple days, giving me a lot of free time to write, they've still been (surprisingly) busy ones... Plus writer's block epically stinks -.-' So, I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Oh yeah, the reason I haven't put up any detailed descriptions of people and links to songs lately is because, starting Christmas Day, I'll be able to tag them with the chapters!!! I'm so excited!!! XD Anyway, voice your thoughts in the comments, tickle the star if you loved the chapter, add this story to your library to get the updates sooner than anyone else, and/or follow to see my other pieces of work or to just keep tabs with me! God bless you all! :)

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