Chapter 6: More Than Just A Dare

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After Travis and I loaded up everything we needed, we both hopped in his black Chevy Silverado. The five minute ride out to the field is quiet, but then becomes interesting when we're parked out there. Travis turns on his music before we start setting up camp and All My Friends Say by Luke Bryan starts playing. It's pretty weird how he's still into Luke Bryan. I thought he would've gotten over him by now.

"Weird how you're still into Luke Bryan. I thought you would've gotten over him by now."

"No, I'm still into his music. You should know, you're the one that got me hooked on him in the first place. Always blaring Luke Bryan's music on your CD player in your room or in the hay loft."

"Yeah..." So, we set up camp while dancing and singing pathetically. When we're done, we sit down and just stare at the stars with What You Mean to Me by Sterling Knight playing. Suddenly, he sits up and looks at his lap. I sit up to see what he's doing, and his mouth is moving with the words. Could he be lip syncing? By the time the chorus starts playing, he's staring right at me. His dusty blue eyes are sparkling under the light of the night stars like a piece of glass will glitter when any kind of light bounces off of it. His tousled hair is messily brushed to the side, but it doesn't look like a wreck. Wait, why am I thinking about him like this? What is he even lip syncing these lyrics and looking at me for? After that song, Start Again by Red starts playing. What's he up to now?

Travis's POV

"What're you up to, Travis," she asks. In all honesty, I don't even know how to tell her what I've been feeling the last few years. But let me tell you, she looked amazing out under the night sky. The stars were sparkling in her electric blue eyes, and the midnight wind was blowing through her hair ever so gently. Wow, what can I even say to her?

"Abi... Have you ever felt like life was treating you like crap for no reason?"

"Yeah, I have."

"And, have you ever felt like you need to take every second chance you get?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well, I think tonight, I'm getting a second chance to have you back in my life again."

"What're you talking about?" Dang it, what am I supposed to say? Suddenly, an idea pops into my head. I hold my pinkie up, signaling her to do the same. At first, she looks shocked and confused, but she eventually puts her pinkie in the air, too.

"From this day forth, I promise on my life that we'll always be the best of friends, and that nothing will get in the way, whether it be a total jerk or any life struggles we have, we'll stick together through thick and thin until the end of time." Once I was done, I could've sworn I saw a tear roll down her cheek. So I take my free hand and wipe the tear away with my thumb. What I hear next is the best news I'll ever get in this lifetime.

"From this day forth, I promise on my life that we'll always be the best of friends, and that nothing will get in the way, whether it be a total jerk or any life struggles we have, we'll stick together through thick and thin until the end of time."


He was... Making a pinkie promise with me? He was... bringing back memories that I thought I've banished to the darkest recesses of my mind so I'd never have them again? He really wanted to be back in my life, and me back in his? Am I dreaming? My best friend, who was recently my worst enemy, wants to be my best friend again? This just can't be happening.

"Trav, I don't understand," I whispered, not trusting my voice, "Why do you want me back in your life?"

"Abi, I screwed up back in middle school. Looking back on that day, I feel so stupid for letting you go. I want you back in my life. I want us to be best friends again, and maybe even more..."

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