Chapter 13 | Silent

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Chapter 13 | Silent

I plopped down on the bed with a loud thud, sighing heavily and closed my eyes trying to forget about this awful day. The whole ride had been completely silent, unlike ourselves. He had been staring at the road, twisting the car with ferocity and I was staring out the window, trying to ignore everything.

When we finally reached home, he had slammed the car door behind him and walked away inside, not bothering about me. I got out of the car and dashed towards the bedroom, knowing very well that he wouldn't be there.

I closed my eyes trying for sleep to catch me but it never came. I tossed and turned in my bed, secretly waiting for his arrival in the bedroom but it never came either. I laid there for several hours contemplating about all the events that had happened and sighed.

Time flew by and finally, when the sun started to take a peek at the world behind the two infamous mountains, my eyes closed, feeling sleep giving me some mercy as it took me away to a deep dreamless slumber.

Day Two








"Shit." I cursed under my breath when the hissing sound of the cooker made me jump. I reached my hand towards the small black knob and turned it off, letting out a huge sigh.

Stirring the pot of vegetable soup, I sniffed the air, and the good aroma made me smile but my heart didn't.

I haven't seen him today. He has gone outside, that's for sure. He would normally leave me food, send me tons of messages during his work but there were none and my heart sank at the sad thought.

Day Three

I swinged on the ropes, my hair flying in the wind, as I felt the cruel hold of gravity loosen on my body as I floated in air for a second and in the next, I was hanging upside down in another blue rope and laughed at myself.

That was fun.

And dangerous.

Puddin' would love that.

Just like that, my smile dropped in an instant and the thoughts of him invaded my mind as I closed my eyes and touched my hair, pulling them out as I played with the ends of it.

I opened my eyes and froze at the sight infront of me.

There he was, his icy blue eyes gave me chills as he watched me. Standing in the doorway, his hands tucked in the pockets of his golden coat as he stared at me. I wonder how long he had been there. I tried to smile at him but I couldn't bring myself to. I wanted to talk to him but I was too stubborn as I searched for any sign of emotions in his eyes. They were bland.

I swung forward, rolling in the air and landed on my feet gracefully and looked at the doorway.

He was gone.

Day Four

"Do ya have a girlfren' Frosty?" I asked, chewing on my bubblegum and blowed it, popping it right infront of his face as he stared at me with a blank emotion but the slight raise of his eyebrows told me otherwise.


"Did ya ever have a girlfren' ?" I asked, chewing and sucking the strawberry goodness out of the rubbery sweet in my mouth.


"Are ya sad?" I asked. For a moment, a tiny amount of concern showed in his eyes and he narrowed his eyes a little at me.

"You are." He said and my smile dropped.

"And so is he." He quickly added.

My curiousity was peaked at his answer and I raised my eyebrows, indicating for him go on and he cleared his throat.

"There is no smile on his face." He said calmly and my eyes widened.

The feeling of guilt coursed through my veins and I felt dread fill me up, as I gulped down the food that was threatening to come out any second. Deciding to change the topic, I gave him a sudden smile.

"How is he in bed?" I whispered and grinned until my mouth couldn't go further. He seemed genuinely shocked at the sudden change of topics and he blinked rapidly.

"From what I have seen, the women would always leave with red marks, scars and wounds everywhere on their body." He said and my breath hitched.

Day Five

I turned the dial, gold and shiny, releasing thousands of lukewarm drops, darkening my platinum blonde hair and trickled down my back. My eyes fell closed, each time showing me the fragments of his face like photographs or the echoes of his voice like I had put them on repeat.

My mind swirls, and it's like I'm standing under an everlasting waterfall. Ever so beautiful, but it can never last, I know that now.

Flipping the tap the other way around, now cold water started dripping down my body as goosebumps erupted all over. These seemed to take my mind off things and I sighed, relieved for a moment.

But, my mind had other plans for me as the sensation of the cold water falling down like rain on me brought memories of our first kiss in the rain during that night and I opened my eyes wide, never realising that I had closed them.

I missed him.

Day Six

The rays of the sunset fell on the black sheets, making them look brown. My hands glided over the empty space beside me. The pain was too unbearable. It has been a week of silence. A silence that should have been filled with laughter and cries of our victims but they were the silence of our anger and misery.

Sliding my hands over the soft black silk sheets, I thought of how I had never woken up with him in bed with me, even before the fight. He was an early bird.

Tears pricked my eyes as memories of us flooded my mind and I bit my lip, feeling the strong urge to let it all out. To cry everything out and not bottle all the emotions inside me. My insides become tighter as my cries became louder filling the silence of the evening.

I needed words of his low voice, anything, I needed just a small touch, or maybe a tight hug, something from him.

I needed him.

I missed him.


Hey everyone!

Oh my god. I feel like its been a long time, has it?

Does anyone miss Joker? I do. ):

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