Chapter 12 | Need

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Chapter 12 | Need

He stepped out of the car, his eyes fell on me the second he slammed the door behind him. He stood there, analysing me from top to bottom and I remained calm, staring at him. His blue eyes met mine and there was silence. I felt the electricity in the air as we stared at each other. Seconds passed by and both of us refused to back down. Suddenly, his lips curved up to a sinister grin and I felt goosebumps erupt all over my body at his grin.

He flipped his head back, bringing his hands towards his electric green hair, slicking them back as he laughed. A slow, evil laugh that didn't fail to send shivers down my spine. His laughter filled the air of the silent snowy and cold night and I gulped.

He tilted his head, his laughter dying down and looked back down slowly, his blue eyes piercing through my rapidly beating heart. The laughter evaporated from his eyes. His customary grin gone faster than summer rain on the tarmac. I had never seen him look this way, his cerulean eyes had a deadness, a stillness.

It was frightening. With two small strides, he was right infront of me. Our staring never stopped. It felt like staring was the only communication we both had. His icy eyes remained locked on me, his breathing deepening, as he moved his shoulders up and down.

I could feel the drama coming already. But, for a second, I didn't know what he was going to do. He is unpredictable. That's just how he is. Is he going to shout at me?

He held my gaze, but instead of the warmth of a lover it is with an icy hostility. His face impassive but tilted back a little so he is literally looking down on me.

Suddenly, a loud growl erupted from his lips, as the pupils in his eyes turned to a dark black, scaring me. In a freeze-frame, he raised his arm and swung it around, and realisation dawned on what he was going to do. I closed my eyes and flinched, waiting for the sting on my cheek but nothing came.

I peeked my eyes open slowly and looked at him. I was frozen for maybe three whole seconds before I blinked my eyes and looked at his hand, frozen in mid-air, a few inches away from my cheek. I looked back at his blue eyes and sucked in a sharp breath.

This time I could see the emotions swirling in them. Anger, betrayal, guilt, frustration and most importantly fear. I know this was not the first time I am seeing it in his eyes but I am the first person to see it.

I reached for his hand and he didn't pull away like I thought he would. I pulled them towards my lips and softly kissed each of his knuckles, knowing that he is watching me intensely. I could feel his body tensing under my soft touch. Before I could kiss the last knuckle, he pulled away and growled, it was low, barely audible.

I looked up at him, my hand reaching for his cheek, stroking it softly. "Puddin'..." I could feel the pain in my voice.

He growled loudly this time and turned away, looking away from me as he started walking away from me and towards the car. For a second, I thought he was just going to leave me here. When he got inside the car, he placed his hands on the steering wheel and paused, staring ahead at the road.

A few seconds passed before he slowly turned his head to look at me. I took that as my cue to get in the car and I quickly went to the other side and got in, closing the car door behind me. I turned to look at him, his fingers were tapping on the steering wheel. I could feel the anger radiating off of him. His hand reached the gear, sliding down on it and with a sudden pull, the car was off. It was going in high speed, so fast, I felt the message he was trying to convey.

He was dead angry.

But, only I knew that he was scared too.

His grip on the wheels tightened as he sped down the road. His eyes were small slits that glared at the dark road ahead of him. His lips were curved up into a nasty sneer as he drove speedily.

Turning the wheel in such a ferocity, I was scared for my life but I refused to show it. I can be angry with him too. I know I didn't listen to him and I understood his anger, but he should understand that I am hurt too. The hurt covers me like a cloak I never wanted, bonding to my skin when all I ever wanted was the sunshine.

I love him and I am scared too. My love is so strong for him and it hurt a lot to see him like this but I had to do it. I wanted to say sorry, throw a tantrum, comfort him and fix things but he needed to know.

He needed to know that I am hurt too.

When did love become so complicated?

He didn't even need to say anything. I could understand everything from his actions and his deafening silence. He seemed so vulnerable yet strong at the same time. I know that he was trying really hard to control his anger. I have seen him in his anger before. He was controlling it for me.

We are both new to this and he is more newer to this than I am and we should fix problems now before they get out of hand later.

The hurt is a spider web, intricate, yet strong. I know in time it will pass and the sun will regain its warmth, but the warmth from my heart was gone and I breathed hard. My eyes were filled with unshed tears. I looked through the window, looking at the blur of the buildings pass by and sighed.

A silent tear rolled down my left eye, yet my face remained impassive.


Everything will be back to the way it was.


Hey everyone!

Did you guys like this chapter?

I was free today. 🤗

When I was writing this chap, I was emotionally really sad for both of them. I could feel their hurt, anger and pain, I almost cried. I hope they fix their problems soon. 😔

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