Chapter 3: A New Day

Start from the beginning

"The help usually do outside work, but you can join if you'd like." she turned back to Augustus. "How are you with chickens?" she asked, tilting her head.

"Chickens?" he echoed. "All right I s'pose." he replied with a shrug.

"Wonderful. They're just outside." he nodded in reply and she returned to her tea.

As he sauntered towards the front door, he passed the kitchen which held a well-stocked variety of food. He paused, and his mouth watered when he recognized a luscious scent--the smell of fresh bacon. When was the last time he'd had bacon? When they could afford it, it was typically for special occasions. Despite his recent lack of appetite, he was now intrigued.

Much of the Garnetts food had been imported; from as far away as the West Indies. His eyes ran through a parade of exotic spices--ginger, black pepper, even cinnamon!--and remembered how few people he knew back home that could afford even one of those.

He then noticed their youngest kitchen maid, Hannah. She was only twelve and currently tending to the bacon. Ribbons of steam arose from the meat as it sizzled.

Her short blonde hair was tucked beneath her kerchief. She wasn't more than a foot taller than the stove and she was so tiny he was surprised she could lift the iron pan. Another cook, about the same age as Will's father busied himself with vegetables for the next meal. Even the cutting board was fancy, the ornate pattern sprinkled with carrots and greens.

As he watched the two work, he heard a voice behind him.

"S'cuse me, sir." Augustus turned and was met with yet another servant. She was a plump, middle-aged woman with a mop of curly red hair and a sack of flour. She hurried past him, to aid in completing breakfast by eight-thirty per Margaret's request.

He stood motionless, feeling out of place. The idea of being surrounded by servants, "the help" as Margaret had just put it, made him nervous. They didn't have this many servants the last time he'd visited. The festive relaxation of holidays were one thing, but he could already tell the Garnetts constantly had servants doing so many things for them, and were perfectly used to it.

He knew many poor children had to work, but still didn't like the idea of hiring someone younger than him to serve up food and obey any orders she was given from Margaret and Francis.

And it wouldn't be such a stretch to his imagination to see either of his parents having to take work as servants. He resented the idea of his parents spending their time following rich people around as they did things for them they were perfectly capable of doing for themselves.

He knew his parents were leaving today and didn't care to think of all the menial work they may be facing, with little reward. He hated the idea of them going so soon, but he knew their choice was done out of love. But where were they? He was surprised he hadn't seen them yet.

And it felt so strange, suddenly living someplace he'd only visited before. Their families had always had a good time together, but that still didn't make it any easier to feel out of place in such an affluent area. London wasn't always safe, but he never felt self-conscious about what clothes and food he could afford. There were many more rules here, he was sure.

As these discouraged thoughts ran through his head, he passed by the Solarium.

"Well, good morning!"

A familiar voice floated by, calling him back to the present moment.

He turned around and saw his parents sitting on a large mauve chaise in the Solarium. The sunlight shone down on them, as if it celebrated their presence.

Book I: Burnt Bliss [BoyxBoy]Where stories live. Discover now