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Chapter 15

- his

It's been two weeks since everything went down, my mom and I agreed that I had to give Nicki her space but I was beginning to worry and I missed her.
After days of begging Chanel finally told me where Nicki was so I was going to see her whether she wanted me to or not.

"Hi Miss Lopez, is Nicki here?" I asked Nicki's mother who answered the door with an attitude.

"Hi Miss Lopez, is Nicki here?" I asked Nicki's mother who answered the door with an attitude

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*Helena Lopez

She rolled her eyes and walked away leaving the door open for me to enter her house. "What did you do to my daughter?"  She asked walking further into her house as I followed.

I was shocked at the fact Nicki hadn't told her yet so I figured I shouldn't either. "We had an argument and I said some hurtful things." I lied.

She looked me up and down and started mumbling some shit in Spanish. Her facial expressions as she spoke reminded me of Nicki, it was obvious Nic got her attitude from her mom.

"Aunty Lena!" A boy I recognised from Nico's funeral called out.

"Aunty Lena!" A boy I recognised from Nico's funeral called out

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"This is Nicki's cousin, my sisters son Rico." She introduced us. "Wassup, you good?." He said as he leaned over to dap me. "I'm chillin you?"

He shrugged, "Same. Just tryna make this money and praying I see tomorrow." I nodded understanding the struggle for a young black male growing up and living in America right now. "I hear you."

"Sorry to interrupt, but what did you want Rico?" She asked and I chuckled lowly to myself, every time she spoke she had this thick accent to go along with it, it's still kind of hard for me to believe she was Nicki's mother.

"I got work in an hour I was wondering if you still making me something to eat."

"Go home and ask your mother to make you something." He laughed and grabbed her hand. "Please Aunty. You know nobody in the family cook like you do." She sighed, "fine."

She turned her attention back over to me. "Now you. Go upstairs and apologise to my daughter. Because she's got cousins, a lot of them who aren't as friendly as Rico here, meaning they'll kill and be killed for my daughter." She said flashing a fake smile at the end and I could hear Rico laughing in the background.

I laughed to myself to, she was trying to threaten me with Nicki's cousins not knowing I was a person who was feared and I myself feared nobody.

"You're lucky you're even standing here right now because when they found out she was pregnant..." She trailed off shaking her head.

"Yo Jace you cool and all bro but once Nic's family on her dads side hear you been fucking her around... Let's just say it won't end well for you. So my aunts right you should go apologise."

"What? They on some mafia shit or something?" I laughed but received nothing but straight faces from both of them.

"I'll go speak to her." I said and started making my way towards the staircase.

"Baby I didn't know he was your brother, you gotta forgive me me. Please." I apologised as soon as I entered the room Nicki was in.

She was sat in the middle of her bed with her natural hair flowing down her back. "That doesn't change anything. Nico's still dead and its your fault so why should I forgive you?" She blinked quickly trying to stop her tears from falling.

"Because I love you." She frowned and finally looked up at me. "You love me?"

"Of course. I've never been in love before but I'm falling hard for you. I love you." She bit her lip and looked down.

"Baby girl?" I called out and she gave me her attention.

"Why didn't you tell them the truth about what happened?" I was still confused at the fact she screamed she hated me yet her mother or cousin didn't know the truth.

"Because..." She started shaking her leg nervously.

"I love you too."

"But I shouldn't because loving my brothers murderer makes me just as bad as you. I hate the fact I still care for you and that I'm carrying your baby."

I sighed in relief at the fact she was still carrying my baby. "You didn't go through with "

She shook her head. "As much as I wanted to I couldn't bring myself to do it. This baby didn't ask for any of this so it would be wrong for me to punish them for it."

"Nicki I meant what I said. I love you. Im sorry and I want you to come home."


"Love can make you do some crazy things..."🎶-Deborah Cox

This chapter is so short...sorry, I promise the next few chapters will be better.
Thoughts on Rico & Helena Lopez (Nicki's mother)?

Message for silent readers: I will NOT be updating unless this and the two previous chapters have 20+ likes and at least 2 comments, so if you're reading and liking what you've read... VOTE.
Thank You 🌹✨

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