Ninja Clash In The Land Of Snow

Start from the beginning

"Master, you can make it stop." I sniffled, feeling suddenly vulnerable. 

"...Rucifer...?" I called, not exactly intending to sound like that. I also noticed I had pronounced his name wrong, like I did when I was five...oh god. I forced my eyes to open, only to see my hand, stretched out from me, feeling like a rubber hose. More pain washed over me, and I clenched my jaw, refusing to scream. All of a sudden, the pain was gone. Just like that. My arm slowly came to life with a burning sensation. It hurt like a bitch, and I slowly stood up, my legs were killing me though. 

"Rucifer..." I called out, and his silhouette appeared before me. His hand reaching out towards me. I grabbed it, and he pulled me in for a hug. I squeezed him, as the pain slowly but surely went away. I felt a burning sensation all over my body, as if my blood was LITERALLY boiling. I sighed, and I could see my breath infront of me. It was only then I noticed how cold I was. 

" I?" I asked, and he chuckled. 

"In your mind, Master. And please, that name's killing me." he said. I grinned and hugged him tighter. 

"I'm not trying though..." I said, and he froze, then looked at me full on. Raising an eyebrow, he gave me a skeptical yet hopeful look. 

"Open your mouth." he said. I did, and he peered at me teeth. Then grinned. 

"You bit your tongue, idiot." he said. I flushed. "Shuddup." I said. So that's why I was mispronouncing his name. Heh. 

"Ne, Rucifer, why do my clothes feel so loose now?" I asked, and he sighed. 

"You might have gotten a bit thinner." he said. I rose an eyebrow, but didn't push it any further. 

"And the excruciating pain I felt?" I asked. He flinched. 

"That...was your power." he said. I 'huh'ed. 

"That was the previous Noblesse giving his power to you. The power that only the current Noblesse can have." He said. I leaned in, interested. 

"What does it do?" I asked. He gave me a gentle smile. 

"The power to create a blood field." he said. My eyes widened. I had heard about what a blood field can do, and about what it has done. I shook my head. 

"I-I don...I can't handle such power, Lucifer." I said, noting somewhere in the back of my mind that I had gotten his name right. 

"Master. You think you are not worthy. That in itself is why you are worthy." he said. I raised an eyebrow. 

"Confuzzled Kuroi is confuzzled." I said, and he laughed. 

"Never mind it. Does it still hurt?" he asked. I nodded. The pain was still there, I just didn't want to show it. Slowly receding, though still there. I took a deep, shuddering breath, held it, then slowly let it out through my nose. I gave him a quick, reassuring grin, then took a step back, waiting for the pain to completely go away. Surprisingly enough, it didn't take that long, and soon I gave Lucifer a wolfish grin. 

"Meh. Nothing I can't handle." I said, and he smiled, and hugged me again. I then gasped. 

" long've I been sleeping this time?" I asked, horrified. He chuckled nervously. 

"Uhm...long enough for three quarters of the movie to be over..." he said, and I growled, feeling an unusual anger. I shouldn't be that pissed off by this, should I? I coiced my thoughts to Lucifer, who smirked. 

"Master, your anger. When you wake, use it." he said, then disappeared. 

I then heard a voice I know all too well. Five voices, actually.

In the Naruto world, where there aren't any cookies (Book 1 of The New Noblesse)Where stories live. Discover now