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She laid in her own bed. The monitor beeped softly, her pulse steady and light. Eleanor was alive physically. She was gone mentally. Her mind had been completely erased, wiping every memory and thing she ever knew. Nick says she was 'reborn'. That a new her was brewing inside the carcass of Eleanor Rose Wilkinson. Eleanor couldn't speak. Eat. Open her eyes, or move. They weren't even sure if she could hear. Everyone was sure that Shawn had lost his mind, as well as Nick. Nicks memories were wiped as well, but he knew Eleanor. He knew he had loved her at a time. But Shawn never forgot. He would never forget. Eloise did her usual checkup. Walk in, sit beside her, pray, cry, pressed the button to distribute her daily medicine, pray, cry, and tear herself from the room. August pretty much couldn't handle it, he was so lost without his sister. Not by blood, by heart. Everyone was affected by Shawn's irresponsible decision October 23 which would last a lifetime. After a while of moping, everyone began going on about their day. Not saying they completely forgot about Eleanor, God no. The doctors said she would never wake up, and if she did, she wasn't going to be the same.
Shawn laid in his bed, his world tour completely finished. He was losing his mind, going mentally insane. He stared up at the ceiling, the silent pray that this was a dream. He blinked, his heart feeling numb. It was hallow, the darkness swallowed him. "Shawn.." Karen knocked on the door softly. She knew. Shawn had broken down three weeks ago and told her everything, the guilt was eating him alive. "Baby.." she frowned and sat on the edge of his bed. His eyes fluttered down to her. "It hurts." His voice cracked. "I know baby.." she patted his leg. "Mom. . I killed her." a salty tear fell. "Shawn, you didn't kill her. A coma and death are two different things sweetheart.." his mother cooed. He shook his head. He meant something deeper. He had killed Eleanor Rose Wilkinson. Her mind to be exact. He closed his eyes.

Nick closed his eyes and dreamed of the old days. He remember completely, but for his own sake, he didn't. It wasn't his fault what happened that day, but he felt entitled to take blame for he was driving. No, Nick wasn't the drunk one who ran the red light, but he still felt it. He pulled himself out of bed, yawning. Today, Nick would be flying back from Seattle to California. His grandma had gotten sick again. Thankfully, it was just a cold. August had called Nick and kept him up to date. He was the only one who knew about Nick's secret.

Eleanor had been in a coma for almost a month now. She didn't dream, it was darkness. Almost like nothing was happening, like time was just frozen.

Over a few days, her mind began twitching. She started becoming aware of her surroundings, even dreaming some times. Day after day, her mind was waking itself up and slowly but surely, she had woken. Everything was different when she opened her eyes. She couldn't quite remember anything, everything was fuzzy. She had a tube in her nose, she knew that. She was in a foreign room, not exactly a hospital room. If I am hooked to this, why am I in a regular room? She thought. She blinked rapidly at the women walking through the door. "Eleanor! Oh sweetheart! Essex! Elle's awake!" the women had freaked out. She had rushed over, taking her daughters hand. "Elle, oh my. Elle, your awake!" she whispered. Eleanor just looked up at her. "Do you remember me? I'm your mom?" As soon as she said it, Eleanor remembered her. She remembered everything, the divorce, the move to Pickering, then the move to California, but she didn't remember the negative feelings she had towards her. "Mom.." her voice was raspy. Eleanor has smiled lightly, then Eloise. She bent down and held her daughter tightly.

Each day, Eleanor would remember more and more. She remembered memories, faces and people. She didn't remember the feelings and emotions behind them. She remembered Shawn, how she had an obsession over him, how he broke her phone, how they became friends. It seemed like a dream, felt like it anyways. She remembered the move to California and how she didn't like it so much. She remembered Shawn and how she loved him so much. But what she didn't remember, he killed her. Shawn Mendes killed Eleanor Rose Wilkinson.

AHHHH!!! The end. My bad. Hmmm.. a sequel ??

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