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To say Shawn was talented is a understatement, to say he was amazingly beautiful in every way possible was still an understatement. Lucky me, I got front row, VIP, the perfect view of him. There were only a few more girls with me, turns out, they paid two thousand dollars for this spot. They kept taking pictures of me 'secretly'. I just laughed, poor girls. "This next song is something I've been working on... it will be on my next album, but I just uh wanted to give you guys a snippet.." he was sweating, his body glistened. He pulled his ear piece out and started strumming. He closed his eyes, then started humming. Who knew humming could be so perfect.
"You've got.. ahold of me.. don't even know your power. I stand.. a hundred feet.. but I fall when I'm around you, show me an open door, you go and slam it on me, I can't take anymore.. I'm saying baby please have mercy on me.." he sung. His voice was raspy, filled with passion. When he opened his eyes, ours locked. My breathing hitched in my throat. Suddenly I felt as if my whole world was crumbling around me. Then, out of nowhere, he was there to rescue me. He smiled through his song, I think I even saw a wink. I couldn't breathe, maybe it was the packed arena, my heart shook with anxiety. I had to tear the gaze just to regain myself. "Did you see that! Oh my that was so cute!" The girl turned to her friend. I bit my lip, a blush creeping up. My grin faded, my heart pounded, my stomach turned. I felt so sick. Not physically, mentally. I frowned, I could feel the tears swelling. This would be over in ten minutes, and I would go right back to being just Eleanor who so happens to live in the same neighborhood as her idol. I quickly wiped my face and looked up, he was still looking at me. But this time, not with happiness. He looked sad, drained. He strummed one last time before saying, "God, what have you done to me.." It was so faint you could barely hear it, I had to read his lips. God those beautiful plump lips. The crowd roared, some screaming his name. "I hate to say it but.. it's almost over." Everyone yelled out in pain. I feel you. "I thought that I've been hurt before.." he began singing, looking out over at his fans.

Before I knew it, I was pushing myself out of the crowd. "Elle!" I heard Marc call. He was behind the gate, so I pushed over to him and he helped me over it. "I was ordered to bring you back to the room," he said. I just nodded and followed him out.
When I got to the room, I grabbed a bottle of water for Shawn and waited on the couch. A few minutes later, the sweaty god walked in. He still had his guitar over his shoulder. "Man, Toronto is great." he smiled. Once he saw me, he smiled wider. "Elle, hi!" His eyes twinkled. "Hey," I stood and handed him the water. "Thanks," he unscrewed the cap. He always did this thing whenever he would drink something, he would swish it, making his cheeks swell. "So, I was thinking, we could have like a little movie night at my house. I already talked to your dad and he said that was fine. You can stay the night and I'll take you out to eat in the morning.." he smiled at me. "Uh yeah, that would be cool." I held the excitement in. "Great, I'll just stop by your house so you can grab some clothes." I nodded.
Shawn led me out to the SUV and we climbed in. "Alright! Great show Shawn. I'm heading to the airport, I need to get back to Cali." Andrew said, giving Shawn a hug. "I love you man, see you next time." he kissed him on the cheek, Shawn swatted him away. Andrew was a great manager. "Ellie, darling. You keep this boy on his toes, we need new songs." Andrew winked at me. I just giggled. Don't be so damn weird. "Alright, I gotta get going. You two.. be safe." I pointed, I blushed.

We pulled into my driveway and I got out. "Would you like me to come with you?" Shawn asked. "Uh, sure." I nodded. I walked in and shut the door. "Dad, I'm home!" I yelled. "Hi sweetheart!" he came out of the kitchen. He placed a kiss on my forehead, then shook Shawn's hand. "Nice to meet you Shawn, I'm Dexter." he said. "Shawn," Shawn smiled. "Alright, you two run along. I need to tend to Bradley." he rolled his eyes. "Have fun." He kissed my forehead. I led Shawn upstairs and into my room. I pushed open my door, my maroon walls giving me a great vibe. I bent down and pulled out a bag from under my bed and when u came up, I almost cried. Shawn was holding a poster of him, red lipstick kissed. I flushed with embarrassment, "This is adorable." Shawn said. I tried grabbing it, he held it above his head. "Sh-" I reached. He was taller than me, way taller than me. "Shawn give it!" I grunted. "Your cute when your mad," he smirked down at me. I jumped, he grunted and fell to the floor, pulling me with him. "Shawn, oh my god are you okay?!" I panicked. He had his eyes closed, face scrunched in pain. Where did I even hit him?! He peeked at me, then started laughing. "Kidding, now we're on the same level." he said softly. I narrowed my eyes at him, some feeling settling after I realized I was on top of him. I sucked in a breathe, my teeth taking my lip in. His hand were on my waist, holding me. I stared into his chocolate eyes, something I could do forever. I found myself leaning down, craving the taste of his lips. I reached forward, grabbed the paper and smirked, "Got it."

We stepped out of the car and Shawn helped me with my bags. "Mi Casa, Su Casa." He said. Hmm, French. As we walked up his walkway, I began to shake with anxiety, my heart pounding with every step. I can't believe that I, Eleanor Wilkinson, am staying the night at Shawn Peter Raul Mendes' house. "My mom actually just left, she and my dad are flying out to see my Gran." He said. I just nodded. He pulled out a key and unlocked the door. He pushed the door open, then led me inside. "Ma lady," be bowed. I rolled my eyes and stepped in. It looked exactly like I seen in videos. I was giddy with excitement. "Let me show you where the spare room is.." he smiled.
The spare room was right beside his room. How did I know this when his door was shut? Well, I'm a fan. "Here you go, I'm going to shower and make us dinner, then we will watch Netflix, yeah?" he clapped his hands. "Yeah, sounds great." I smiled. "Alright, just chill out in here, feel free to explore." he gave me a bright smile. I nodded.

I was going to just sit here and wait it out.. but curiosity took over. My feet guided me out and into the next room. My fingertips grazed everything, touching anything it could. I bite my lip as I ran my fingers over the comforter. So many erotic thoughts invaded my mind. I gripped his pillow and brought it to my nose. The heavenly scent filled my lungs, suffocating me with his smell. I placed the pillow back. Next, my fingertips ran over the strings to his guitar, creating a soft noise. "Hey." I jumped around. "Oh! I.." i lost my air. Shawn's towel was wrapped, loosely, around his waist, V-like prominent. Jesus holy Christ. "I.. sorry I was just uh looking at.. your.." I tore my eyes from his stomach. "Nah, that's cool. Do you know how to play?" he asked, referring to his guitar. "Uh no," I shook my head. He came over, his towel brushed against my leg. He leaned over, grabbed his instrument and pulled it up. "Do you want me to teach you?" he asked. "Y-yeah, sure." I said. Why am I so nervous?! He sat on the side of his bed and patted next to him. Do you not realize that your naked? I sat down. "Place your fingers here," he showed me and then handed it to me. I held the guitar, placed my fingers in the spot. "No, this one." he moved my first finger to the correct string. Our eyes connected, electricity circuiting throughout me. "Now strum." he whispered. I took my lip between my teeth, then strummed. "Beautiful.." he sighed.

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