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Depression moved into my heart, anxiety filled my veins, sadness possessed my body. I moped and walked around somberly, slowly dying. My heart was absolutely shattered. He shattered my heart. He did this to me. I couldn't help myself at night, when I was alone, to search them. He looked so happy. Happier than when he was with me. Never once did he return my calls. I took a big step, it almost killed me, but I took it. I unfollowed him on everything. I deleted his contact. I was tempted to erase our photos but instead, I placed them into a folder and locked them away. I sat up in my bed, stretched, my hair matted. I slid out from under the covers, my feet hitting the cold floor. Since the day I ran into the fan, I had lost an overall twenty pounds. My skin felt different. It felt tight, felt that if I touched it, it would shattered. I was pale, dark circles sat under my grey eyes. My chest ached everyday. More some days than others. I stepped out of my room, August was waiting by my door. "I was just about to wake you.. I have someone I want you to meet." he smiled. His fingers gripped my wrist, it felt like the wrapped around twice. He pulled me downstairs and into the kitchen. A guy was sat at the island, eating a stack of pancakes. "This is my bestfriend Nick. Nicholas, this is my sister Eleanor." he turned and I studied his face. As I locked eyes with his chocolate ones, I felt myself gain energy, something sparked in my heart I haven't felt in a while; happiness. I felt new, my body felt like it got back everything it lost. "Hi, Nick Robinson." he smiled, I was blinded by his smile. "Eleanor Wilkinson. Nice to meet you." I smiled. "Pleasure is all mine," he smirked, his eyes twinkled. Heat swarmed my cheeks. "Oh god, I am so sorry. I look like death, let me go freshen up." As I turned, his hands grabbed my arm. "No, don't worry. You look gorgeous." he smiled. I nodded,- August. August is a rich kid, he paid this guy to make me feel better. I scoffed, the old me crawling down MY throat. "So today, we are going to explore the city. August said you like acting?" Nick said, I nodded. "Yeah, I used to do little plays in my home.. town.." I said quietly. "Good, this is going to be fun then." he smiled. I scrunched my eyebrows. "A, you didn't tell her?" he looked at him. "Shit! My bad. Ellie, Nick is an actor. He's been in.." he looked over at Nick to finish. "Frenimes, Melissa and Joey, Jurassic World, Fifth Wave, Being Charlie.." Nick said. "Oh.. how did I not see it?! You played Zach in Jurassic World. Ben in Fifth wave, loved it. And.. was it Jake in Frenimes?" he nodded. "Man, how did I not see it?!" I giggled. He smiled widely.


I jogged up to her, crashing my lips into hers. Her kiss tingled, I pulled away. "What was that for?" she giggled. "Nothing," I lie. I was on Instagram a few minutes ago and saw Eleanor with Nick Robinson. It shouldn't have hurt me, but it did. It set a fire in me. "Hey, can we go back to the room?" she smirked, shaking me slightly. "Uh yeah.. one minute." I held up my finger, she leaned up and kissed it. I walked over to Andrew, "How is it going?" I asked. "Good, Shawn this is fucking crazy man. This is legitimately stalking, you know that right?" he said. "Obviously. Just.. just do it." I spit. No doubt that I've changed. But who cares right, she's obviously moved on. Andrew scoffed and walked off. "Dick." he mumbled. I almost spoke up but I bit my tongue. "Shawny! Come on baby. I'm getting restless.." she twirled her hair and bit her lip. I smirked and grabbed her by her hips, pulling her off to the hotel room.


I watched her bounce from star to star. Her hair swayed as she did so, her arms out to balance her. We were on the streets of Hollywood, visiting every shop and cafe. "Oh look! Michael Jackson!" she awaited down to the star on the concrete. She studied it, I studied her. I had been watching Eleanor for a while, ever since she was with Shawn. When she stood back up, she tripped and fell into my chest. Her eyes gleamed up to mine, her hands on my chest, mine around her waist. She blinked slowly, then blushed. I had the urge to lean down and peck her lips, so I did. It was quick, but sweet. She blinked rapidly, her lips parted. Shit, I shouldn't have done tha- her hands wrapped around the back of my neck, pulling my face down to hers. Our lips collided, she kissed me hungrily. When she pulled away, she was panting, her pupils dilated. She smiled. It was real.

This was short but hakidhab. What is Shawn's deal man? It's my book but damn. Why Shawn?

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