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The soft patter of feet woke him, his eyes were sensitive to the bright orb above him. He raised his hand to shield it, or he thought he did. All he did was blink. He could hear the muffled television playing in the corner of the room. "Late Thursday evening, a couple was hit by a drunk driver. The intoxicated driver was taken to Los Angeles hospital were he is now recovering a broken hip. The driver of the black Audi was airlifted to Los Angeles hospital were he was admitted to Intensive Care Unit due to three broken ribs, and a shard of glass in his chest, inches from his heart. The passenger was also airlifted, we don't know much on her. She is suffering brain damage, a broken leg, and is in a coma. We will have more information later. Such a sad story, back to you Mike." the reporter said. Poor people, Nick thought. Nick opened his eyes this time, looking around the room. He couldn't remember much, just that he was in a car accident. His throat felt raw, like he had swallowed razors. His chest ached, he sucked in a breath. He yelled out, the broken ribs being pushed by his expanding lung. A nurse passing by looked in, and did a double take. "Patient in room three oh five is awake!" she called out. She hurried over to his side, adjusting his IV. "How are you feeling Nick?" she asked. "Pain." he managed to say. She just nodded. Something wasn't right. He was missing something. Someone. He thought for a minute, then it hit him. "Eleanor! Where is Eleanor!? My baby, where is sh-" he sat up quickly, pain shredding his chest. He yelled out and fell back, completely out of air. "Calm down Mr Robinson," she clicked a button. "No.. I need.. Elle!" he paused. She clicked the button again. "Shhh, it's okay." she wiped his forehead with a cloth. He felt a warm sensation wash over him, the pain reducing. "Where's.. Elle?" he whispered. The nurse didn't reply, but instead clicked the button again. "Go to sleep Nicholas, don't you worry about her. Let God do his thing.." her voice echoed, the room spun.

No matter what attempt Andrew tried, Shawn refused to leave bed. It was his fault, he knew that. His heart ached with pain and sorrow, pain from heartbreak and sorrow because of her heartbreak. I killed her! I fucking killed her!! he yelled out as he crashed his fist into the mattress. His eyes burned with tears, face wet. His cheeks were leather, chapped from the salty tears. I'm so sorry, God I'm so sorry he cried. He pulled his knees to his chest, lying in fetal position. He cried, actually cried. Over the course of five months, Shawn had lost his mind. His feelings were numb, his heart ached everyday, snapping at everyone. He never really knew why he abandoned Eleanor in the first place, just that it was a terrible mistake. He knew that. He knew he had caused damage. He inflicted death onto his happiness and love. He loved her, hands down. Even when inside Camila, he thought about Eleanor. Andrew frowned from the couch, Frank wiped his face. Shawn cried out, prayed that God wouldn't take his precious princess. At this point, he didn't care if she never spoke to him again, just as long as she was breathing. But it was too late. Eleanor was gone. Her soul. Her happiness. It was all vanished like a mere memory. The year they had spent together meant nothing now, just a time span in life. He could see her, bouncing slowly through a field. The yellow glow of summer flowers's, lavender flowers underneath her fingertips. She smiled, pulling one to her nose to smell it. She inhaled. He could see her happiness. It killed him. Shawn yelled, flopped, and wheezed for air as he cried out. He failed. He was the cause that Eleanor Rose Wilkinson was gone. Her happiness, and sanity caught in the wind, shredding as it vanished. Not only did Shawn break Eleanor's phone, he broke her heart, and his.

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