Chapter One: Navia

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~ Juvia's POV ~

Why won't my darling Gray-Sama notice me? Am I not pretty enough? Maybe he's being hypnotized by the floozy Lucy.

I always knew she was my love rival.

"Gray giving you a tough time?" Mira snapped me out of my thoughts

"Gray-Sama just needs some time to figure out his feelings." I replied

Mira smiled at me "I think I might be able to help with that."

I raised my eyebrow "What did you have in mind?"

~ Natsu's POV ~

"Lucy! Let's go on a job." I yelled as me and Happy ran over to our table

Lucy glared at me "I'll pass, I'm still recovering from our last mission."

Ice princess walked over "What did flame brain do this time?"

"Destroyed half the town." Lucy grumbled

Ice princess started laughing "How'd you manage that one you moron!"

Before I could punch him, a blue blob moved in front of me. More specifically Ice princesses little girlfriend.

I smirked "Typical, you need your girlfriend to fight all you battles."

Gray crossed his arms "What do you want Juvia? I'm a little busy right now."

Shockingly Juvia wasn't staring at Gray. Instead her eyes were locked on me.

"I was wondering if Natsu-Sama wanted to accompany me on a mission today." Juvia smiled at me

Did she just call me Nastu-Sama?

Gray's mouth hung open "You're kidding right? Why would you wanna go with flame brain? If you need a partner, I'll go with you."

Juvia shook her head "That's okay Gray-Kun. I was hoping to go with Natsu-Sama, I think he'd be very useful on this mission."

Did she just reject the snow queen? And she dropped the Sama off his name? What in the world is going on? This is weird even for me.

By the look on Gray's face, you'd think the world just ended "Wh-what? Natsu destroys everything he touches! How helpful could he be?"

Juvia chuckled "Is Gray-Sama jealous?"

Gray's face brightened a little "No, I just don't want you to get hurt around flame brain over there. He'll probably light you on fire."

Mira made her way over to our table. "I think Juvia will be fine Gray. She's made of water, so Natsu's Magic could never truly harm her. That's why they'd make such compatible partners on this mission. Their magic compliments each other so much!"

Gray clenched his fist "Well if Juvia wants to take Flame Brain no ones stopping her."

Juvia frowned a little "So what do you say Natsu-Sama?"

It felt like all eyes were on me. I finally noticed that the whole guild is watching us.

Juvia's eyes look like she's begging me to say yes.

The look in Gray's eyes is incredibly terrifying. If looks could kill, I'd be dead ten times by now.

Lucy has a different look in her eyes. I can't tell what it is, but I don't like it.

I've never once thought about stealing Gray's girl. He won't admit it, but she's kinda off limits. Everyone in the guild knows it, and respects their weird relationship.

But she's asking me, no more like begging me.

What's going on in that crazy little head of hers?

Before my mind could comprehend what I was doing, my mouth spit out one word "Okay"

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