She was Aayat Sadik

Mitch furiously shook awake Rupert who was about to doze off

"What what did he come? Is he here" Rupert asked hastily turning his head right and left

"No not him but his intern, she came in look over there" Mitch replied

Rupert looked at the girl who Mitch was referring to.

Soon Shaikh walked in the building and went straight to his office. His presence caused both the agents to stand up and follow him.

They were stopped by the same detective they encountered 3 hours earlier, but Mitch didn't have time to deal with him

"The CSI is back, can we talk to him?" Mitch asked impatiently

The detective saw Shaikh and nodded letting both agents go

They reached his office and noticed Aayat over there as well. Shaikh was getting ready to leave.

Mitch knocked on the door and heard a "Come in" sound. Both he and Rupert entered his office.

Mitch put his façade on and explained "Mr. Shaikh it is so nice meeting you. I'm Asher Williams and this is my colleague Ryan Moore. We are journalists from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). We are writing an article about the different ways and techniques Forensic Scientists from different countries use to investigate and solve their cases..." Mitch trailed off but noticed that Shaikh wasn't even really paying attention to him and was in quiet a hurry to leave the building.

Shaikh finally gave Mitch and Rupert his attention and said "Look gentlemen, I really don't have time for all this. I have some place to be" and as Rupert was about to say something, Shaikh left the room.

Rupert followed behind him to convince him somehow to let them interview him.

Mitch sighed and was interrupted by a voice that caused him to turn around

"Don't mind him, he is always in a hurry" spoke up Aayat

Mitch now turned his full attention to the girl in front of him and now that she was so up close, he observed her. She was around 5"3, she had a fair complexion, long dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. He had to admit she was really pretty.

Mitch realized she said something so he quickly answered "Yeah well if me and my colleague don't get anything, we will be fired"

Aayat simply nodded and gave an apologetic smile before going back to her work.

He then remembered that she was his intern, which means she knew quiet a lot about him. She could give him some information about Shaikh like what he does, where he goes, who he meets stuff like that.

"Hey are you his intern?" Mitch asked, knowing the answer.

Aayat looked up at him and replied "Yeah"

"So you must know about the science behind forensics right?"

"Well I don't want to brag but yeah I do" Aayat said jokingly

Mitch faked a smiled at that before asking "So since your boss doesn't seem to want to help me, can you help me with my article?"

Aayat looked up at him and thought for a while. Mitch hoped that she doesn't buzz him off like Shaikh did and would actually give him some intel which would help him in the investigation.

Aayat finally spoke up and said "Well right now I'm kind of busy with work and I also have some afternoon classes to attend. How about you meet me at my university campus this evening and we can discuss"

Well something was better than nothing so Mitch agreed "Yeah sure"

Aayat wrote down her number on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

Mitch said thanks and turned to leave but was stopped by Aayat.

"Mr. Williams, wouldn't you want to know the name of the girl who is going to help you with your article and save you from getting fired by your boss" asked Aayat with a teasing tone in her voice

Crap, she didn't know that he already knew her name. He turned around and scratched the back of his neck, pretending to be nervous and asked "of course, how could I be so stupid? How can I leave this room without knowing the name of the girl who just gave me her number" Mitch said quiet smoothly with a smirk.

Aayat blushed and gave a small laugh which automatically made Mitch smirk again.

"My name is Aayat Sadik" she said with a smile

"Well Aayat, I look forward to meeting you this evening" Mitch said before he left the office.

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