I opened my mouth to say something, stopped, and then tried again. "I should be weirded out, right?"

Sapphire nodded. "Right. And Saya, when you see him can you remind him to get the brakes on the van checked? He keeps forgetting."

I nodded. "Yeah, of course. So, what can I do around here?"

Sapphire walked over and placed her real hand under my chin. She pursed her lips. "Have you ever tried winged eyeliner, love?"

"Uh, no?"

Sapphire kept staring at me. "You'll have to try it." She looked at her sister. "Imagine Saya with winged eyeliner sharp enough to kill a man."

I was rather taken aback by this, but Ruby just chuckled. "I think you've scared her with the way you talk about makeup, sis."

"Oh, sorry." Sapphire released her grip on my face.

Suddenly Ruby's phone buzzed. She pulled it from her pocket and grinned.

"Is that Maia?" Sapphire teased, poking Ruby in the side.

Ruby's head whipped up, and her cheeks coloured. "Yeah, um... She was asking about the food... because allergies. I'm gonna... kitchen... ask mom..." Without meeting our gazes, Ruby hurried off down the stairs, muttering about nosy sisters.

"Is Maia her girlfriend?" I asked.

Sapphire nodded, and told me to go pick out a nail polish colour.

"Saya," Rose spoke up when I came near, "would you like to see my dress?"

"Of course."

She grinned and walked with me to a door half open, and we stepped into what must've been Sapphire's old room.

It was painted a light blue with some band posters and works of art over the walls. A big canopy bed with violet sheets was pushed against the windowed wall. In the closet, several dresses hung. I recognized the bridesmaid dresses, Sapphire's wedding dress, and the emerald green one Kaitlyn would wear later.

Also, there was now a short sky-blue dress with a halter neckline and a bow tied neatly around the back of the neck. Rose pulled that one out, and I couldn't help but notice how well it matched her already popping eyes.

"Isir will love that," I encouraged.

Rose's cheeks coloured faster than I would've thought possible and she stashed the dress back into the closet. "Yes well, it is a great opportunity to look nice for our last day together."

I felt my posture fall. I'd forgotten that Rose was only staying for two weeks- she had to go back home to England tonight. It was unfortunate, she had become a good friend of mine and everyone else. Isir was going to be heartbroken.

"Right," I murmured, sinking into the melancholy atmosphere. Desperately, I tried to put a smile back on my face, though I knew it must've appeared unconvincing. "Well, you might as well try to make that last day a great one," I offered.

Rose nodded, and I thought I saw her eyes glistening. "A wedding is quite a way to do that."

All of a sudden, a scream erupted from downstairs. Rose and I stared at each other, then ran for the door.

Sapphire was pale white, clutching the desk with Ruby -now back upstairs- holding tightly onto her shoulder. "Just stay up here, sis. I'm sure it's all fine. Saya, Rose," she said when she saw us back in the room, "please go check on that for us."

With a nod, we raced down the stairs. I saw a young girl with dark hair pulled back in a braid run from the kitchen. "Uncle Joel! Uncle Joel!" she was shouting as she raced by.

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