Chapter 25

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It was the day of the court case, the day when the entire rest of my childhood would be determined. I was terrified and excited. I had no idea what would come of the this, all I knew is it could either be super good or horrible. In reality I knew that we had so much more evidence than my parents, but there was still the thought that they could win. All this was going to do was make me panic even more than I already was, so I decided to just go through my morning routine and wait and see how Vanessa and Lin were acting.
It only took me a couple minutes to pull myself out of my warm bed and into the clothes I had picked for today. I decided to dress in a simple pair of jeans and sweatshirt, because while I knew that I should dress presentable, I also wanted to be somewhat comfortable during the long and droning case. I also knew that it would piss my parents off and I wanted it to be one last fuck-you before they left my life forever. I also decided to not wear any makeup as I had to show off my bruise and I was just too lazy.
When I finally stumbled downstairs I realized that Lin had gotten up way before me and had made an entire breakfast for us. It was also then that I realized that they were all sitting at the table waiting for me, including little Seb. I blushed a little, but took my seat and thanked him for cooking.
"You more than welcome! You deserve a little time to relax before today. Speaking of which are you ready to officially become a miranda?" I looked at him a little smiling before my fears sneaked back in.
"But what if we lose? They'll take me back and I will be stuck with them. They will probably forbid me from ever visiting you again!" The thought of this made my head get a little fuzzy as I forced myself to breath. I head Lin set down his fork and stand before he crouched down in front of me resting his hands on my shoulders. I looked through my hair at his kind face, the laugh lines that light up his eyes as he smiled reasuringly at me. He ran a hand through my hair, holding it out of my face while staring straight into my eyes.
"Ma Nina, they will not win. We have the best lawyer and the best evidence. I mean you have this bruise." He stroked said bruise with his thumb with concern in his eyes before shaking his head and looking back and forth between my scared face and Vanessa's proud one. He stayed like that for a minute until he realized that we had to eat, when he stood up and sat back down telling me to eat.

When we got to the courthouse I was shaking with nervous. The entire ride was spent with Lin singing terribly off key to Hamilton, attempting to get Eliza's high notes but failing miserably. It made me and V laugh for most of the ride until I saw the courthouse begin to appear at the end of the street, slowly getting bigger and bigger until it loomed above me like a gavel raising above the table, ready to slam down the victim's fate. I was now the victim and I couldn't do anything about it. I can't take control, and I can't know the outcome until the gavel falls. And god I hope it falls on our side.
Vanessa and Lin lead me up the large marble steps and I felt like ten more pounds were added to my back until I was being crushed. When we finally got to the ginormous doors I felt like I was about to collapse, but then Lin reached down and grabbed my hand and squeezed it, giving me the support and reminder that I am not alone. That I will never have to be alone again.
Vanessa wrapped her arm around my shoulder, pulling me into her in a quick hug with my right arm reaching behind me still attached to Lin's. We stayed like that for what felt like entirety yet not even close to being long enough. Finally we separated and walked through the doors.
I was now sitting on a cold, hard, wooden bench with Lin and Vanessa on either side of me. To the right of us were my parents, and straight ahead was the judge. Everything seemed to slow down as he slammed the gavel down on the desk, starting the case. The rest of it was a completely blur. I remember my parents lawyer going up and talking, I remeber that made Lin and Vanessa get tense and nervous. I remember Vanessa going up and trying to fight for me. I remember being asked questions, and I remember answering them but I can't remember what they were. The only thing I remember is the relief that hit Lin and Vanessa's face, and then the gavel finally hitting the wood once more sealing my fate. I realized then that I didn't know what the final decision was until Lina and V jumped up and hugging me, me in the middle with huge smiles. It was then that I realized that we won..... We Won!

Authors Note: Morning Internets! How have you guys been? I know we haven't uploaded in a while, we been super busy wth school and vacation, but here we are again! This is the last chapter of book one and I can't believe it. We only have an epilogue a
nd then book two starts! I have already written the first chapter and will hopefully upload it either today or tomorrow depending on how quickly I can write the epilogue. So, see in soon! Oh and Happy New Year!

Davey and Ray

Who am I?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon