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i carried seul on my back whilst walking through the dim lit street , the sound of crickets can be heard in the distance harmonizing with the gust of the cold air as it hit my skin causing goosebumps to arise .

feeling her shudder against my back , i looked over at my shoulder as i gazed at her face , her cheeks were flushed due to the amount of alcohol she took and the tip of her nose tinted a pale pink , nevertheless she looked breathtaking .

gulping , i teared my gaze away from her face as i continued to walk home .


as i tucked her in bed i felt myself slowly kneeling beside her on the ground and i found myself staring at her again

my hand went up to stroke the side of her cheeks as she subconsciously leaned into my hand more , tucking a piece of her hair at the back of her ears , i sighed .

" who are you to me? " i mumbled to myself


i woke up to the sounds of whimper , i rubbed my eyes and blinked for a minute , my eyes adjusting to the brightness of the room that it lighted .

i noticed myself leaning on the corner of the bed , i glanced up and saw seul at the farthest edge of the bed , her blanket was clutched tightly in her small hands while she looked at me . 

" uh hi? " she squeaked , her eyes unwavering mine .

hi? did she say hi?

" um , so i guess is should thank you for helping me get home " her posture seemed to relax and then she leaned a bit more close to me , leaving a good 10 meter space between us , a comfortable yet awkward silence fell to us as i continued to ask myself .

did she really just talk to me?

" i guess you should get going now-"

"no! wait " 

" look i dont know you! please for crying out loud you could be a criminal for all i know " she scurriedly went out of bed and ran to the bathroom , a following click by the door was soon heard .

i chuckled at her cute reaction and decided to explain to her my situation , unless she thinks im a crazy person .

" im not a pyschopath though " i defended myself as i silently walked towards her place .

" i never said you were " she replied at the other side , her voice filled with sarcasm .

" im not a mean person " i complained as i leaned on the bathroom door .

" you are " she hesistanly replied 

" im anything but a person seul " my voice clear for her to hear but somehow she took a lot of time to reply .

" you're crazy " she insisted 

i smiled as i crouched down to sit .

" not quite " 

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