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i wandered around in the streets after what happened but not before placing her back to her bed .

fortunately she didnt wake up .

i walked for what feels like hours but i didn't really mind since I honestly have all the time in the world .

i dont think i would ever escape this lifestyle.

i scoffed at how ironic my thought was .

stumbling in on a convenient store and going inside I noticed the cashier was asleep .

pouting a bit , i teared my gaze away from him and walked through the aisles of food

i stopped at the refrigerators where many beverages varied .

my eyes scanned through it and found a strawberry cartoned milk that seul always had with her for breakfast.

im pretty sure she ran out of stock

i stared at it and debated whether i should get this for her or not .

making up my mind i went ahead an took the strawberry milk out of the refrigerator and i strutted my way back to the main door .

i looked at my side to see the still sleeping cashier

i felt sudden guilt while i glanced at him

looking down at my hands to see the milk and i look back up again to the guy

I muttered out a small apology and walked out of the store

this is for her after all

im willing to do anything for her

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