Chapter 25 - drab painting

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I could see and hear everything, even if I am a painting. I saw Link's hopes of surviving sank down to his shoes and then him falling to his knees. I saw Ganon looking at me and heard him laughing.

"Z-Zelda..." I could see Link shook his head gently as a tear fell down his cheek.

"Ha! After all your posing, all your preening... Just look at you now!" Ganon laughed. "What a beautiful masterpiece! My talent is almost frightening!"
Then he sighed. "And then there's you, worm. I can barely bring myself to look at such an inferior creature!"

"How could you?!" Link gathered up a little courage and asked. "How... Could you?"

Ganon turned around and raised his left eyebrow. "You actually thought that I would have some kind of... Feelings towards you?"

Link nodded and held his tears inside. "You can't remember what we always planned when I was a child and you were younger..? We planned to make this kingdom a better place to live! After my parents.. Died.. You promised to me that you'd never, ever, leave my side.. We were supposed to achieve great things.. We were supposed to be friends..!"

Ganondorf looked at Link arrogantly with no sight of any emotion. "Very touching. Really. But you have to try harder than that."

"What about.. The fate of Arlen?! You don't care about any of these peoples who live in here, now do you?! The only thing you care about is yourself and the paintings you hang on your walls!" Link shouted. "With the Triforce we could bring light back to the land! Think about it!"

"What care have I to save your crumbling kingdom? It's no better than that hideous Hyrule." Ganon chuckled. "But you know what? The two Triforce parts that I could not capture long ago.. I didn't expect they would be hidden within you two! When the Triforce, or should I say, Triforces, are mine, I plan to remake Arlen in MY image." He leaned on his wand.

"H-huh?" Link gasped.

"Oh, worm! The fact that I have finally managed to add your adorable little Princess to my collection.. Has filled my heart with rainbows!" Ganon rejoiced and held his hands against his cheeks. "Oh how long I've despaired... She has been nearly mine for too many times... By all rights the girl should have fallen into my hands the day that you got her out of prison.. But always... And I mean always... Something just had to step in my way!" He fell into the floor but quickly got up and started walking around the room. "Do you have any idea how that made me feel inside? Furious! Outraged! Sick with anger!" He growled. "...The thought of never getting my hands on that darling young girl was... Well more than I could bear."

Link had been carrying a small sword with him this whole time, in fact, it is my sword, the one I had before the blade of the evils bane. He pulled it out of it's case and held it against Ganon who was looking at my portrait.

"Did you really just draw your sword? Foolish boy. I never thought you'd have the courage to do that. I don't have time to coddle would-be heroes. I will not tolerate this. Wriggle wriggle little worm!" He turned around facing Link and flicked his fingers and in that second a black sword appeared in his hand.
And so, the inexperienced Link and the shadow beast Ganon, started their clash. Oddly enough Link seemed to have enough power to actually do damage to Ganon.

I was watching terrifyed but then I noticed something started to glow on my hand. It was the bracelet Link gave me, the one Ganon had tried to steal from me. I could slowly feel how I was able to push myself out of the painting, I fell onto the floor and with trembling feet stood up. Has standing up on two feet ever felt so good? I looked at the bracelet that was glowing in my hand. I went close to the wall and touched it and just as I thought - I was able to merge onto the wall and move around, I quickly got out and saw Ganon breathing heavily while he had fallen onto his knees.

"Enough of this! You're going to spoil everything! You've forced my hand! I must brush you aside!" He quickly got up and swung his wand towards Link who got slammed against the wall and seconds later he was surrounded by a blinding light and when I dared to look again I saw him, my husband, emotionless almost lifeless, looking right at me as a painting on the wall. I held my hand over my mouth to cover it as I tried to seek any kind of sign of living from Link.

"What a sad, drab painting you make. You can rot there for all I care." Ganon retorted. "But before I hang that exquisite Princess Zelda on my wall, you, worm, are going to serve your purpose, I'll be taking that piece of the Triforce from you. How far you've wriggled! But at last you know your true destiny - to give me whats mine." He walked over to Link's portrait and touched it. A golden golden triangle piece pushed itself out of the wall right into Ganon's hand. He threw it into the air and the piece merged onto his chest. He started to laugh insanely.

I pulled my sword out of it's case making sure it made an sharp noise so Ganon could hear it.
Be not caught by the cunning man in disguise.
"Ganon. I'm sorry, I overslept." I said calmly. "Am I late for the party?"

Ganon stopped laughing at that instant. He slowly turned around. "You! How did you manage to escape that wall?! How impudent! Emerging? My dear, you should have remained nothing but a masterpiece on those frames!" He shrieked.

I raised my sword against him and looked straight into his red eyes with blankly face.

"What, have you come to challenge me? I wouldn't dare to hurt you. Your admirable features could get damaged!" He smirked. Then he fell silent for a moment.
He flicked his fingers and the black same sword appeared on his hands.

"But since you insist... I will oblige."

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