Chapter 5 - The crumbling kingdom

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I woke up from a huge comfy bed. I assume that it is the next day. I look around. I don't recognize this room but it seems familiar. I walked over to an huge stained glass window. I looked outside and tried to see through the stained window that sucked in every colour and made it yellow. I heard muffled voices through the glass, I tried to see and make it clear to myself about what was going on. Now I recognize the place, it is Arlen. Many soldiers standing wielding their so called "swords" that were all rusty and broken, against dark characters. I pinned my face to the glass and watched for a while, one by one the soldiers of the Arlen castle went down bleeding. I guess I'll have to go help if no one else cannot do it. I don't even know why should I help that pesky Prince. He had me going through that horrifying forest.
But I guess he brought me to this bed. Maybe I do owe one for him. I shrugged. I turned around and gladly saw my shield and sword. I grabbed them and opened the door that led to the hall. I walked towards an balcony. Once I reached it, I opened the doors to it and climbed to the railing. I felt how the wind strongly blew through my thick golden hair.

I jumped down the railing and the tower to the lower part of the roof. I ran through it and once more hopped down to the lower level. I saw the Prince and his bubbly servant talking. They both looked like they had an heart attack when they saw me running through the purple ceiling. I saluted at them and jumped to the ground.

I held my sword up high and started slicing through the dark characters who one by one melted and turned into black liquid. They weren't that tough. But one unfortunatelly bited me into my shoulder with it's sharp small teeth before I could react. It caused some pain and bleeding but soon it was over. I'm glad. Once the whole front area of the castle was filled with black liquid, Link and Ganondorf ran into the scene with some guards.

Before anyone had the chance to say anything Ganondorf ran to me and shaked me with all of his power.

"Zelda thank the gods you are alive! You could have been killed!"

Once he stopped shaking me I patted his shoulder and smiled. "Don't forget who I am."

He sighed. And held his tears inside. "Arlen really needs a hero like you."

Link walked to us and grabbed my hand. He sighed from relief. "Thank you Zelda. I'm glad to see you are okay and awake once more."

"How long was I passed out?"

"A week."

I gasped. "A week?! I need to get back home soon!"

"About that.. How did you find yourself in this crumbling kingdom of mine again?" Link asked.

"I remember I was going to meet the priest at the sanctuary of Hyrule and discovered a strange crack on the wall. I-I can't remember if I touched it or what happened next. Then I woke up from here." I pondered.

"Hmm.. Well.. We do have a sanctuary aswell here, in Arlen." Link stated.

I got a bit of hope after hearing him saying those words. "Could.. We maybe go visit it?" I asked quietly.

Link nodded.


"Since Arlen is so big, I figured out it would be easier to go with horses. Don't you think?" Link asked me.

I nodded as I petted a white stunning horse standing tall in front of me. Ganondorf was coming too. He had a black horse while Link had his own trustworthy brown horse, Epona. We climbed to the horses and galloped towards our destination.

"Zelda? Would you like me to show you places around Arlen?" Link looked at me over his shoulder in the middle of the gallop.

I gave him a little nod. In reality? I do not. The whole forest thing was already terrifying enough.

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