Chapter 17 - A paint brush

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"When is the wedding?" I asked breaking the silence between me and Link.

"It would be next month." He answered while writing something down to a small papernote behind his desk. "Could you get me that ink from over there?" He pointed at the small table under the mirror that shattered during the storm.

I sighed and stood up. I walked over to the ink and threw it towards Link. "Catch!" I yelled.

Link rised his hands as if they were a shield and the ink bottle flew right into his right hand. "Couldn't you just walk over here?" He hissed.

I walked over to his desk and sat on it. "Now I'm here." I squeezed his cheeks with my hand and gave him a gentle kiss. "Are you happy?"

He nodded. "Very."

"That's what I thought." I laughed. "By the way.. The wedding, can I be a part of the planning?" I asked and stepped down from the desk.

Link immersed his quill into the ink and moved the papers to a small drawer underneath the table. He stood up and walked over to the same table I had threw the ink from. He opened a locked drawer with a rusty old key and took out a book. He then walked back to the desk and sat down. He opened the book. "Look. All of the wedding dresses and wedding photos from previous Arlenian queens." He smiled. "That's my mother."

The picture wasn't very clear. Link's mother had light yellow short hair and beautiful blue eyes. His father had brown hair and red eyes. What a blessing that Link had got the beautiful features of his mother. The paintings from the art gallery down below, really looked like Link's parents, but with unrealistic art style, of course. "She was a beautiful woman." I stated.

"So, you can look through these photos and see if you see anything you like and maybe then we could think about using it at the wedding."

I nodded. "Fantastic idea."

After that very second we heard someone running up the stairs and then through the hallway very heavily. It was Ganondorf. He leaned on his knees and breathed heavily as he seemed to hold something in his hand. "Your royal highnesses!" He yelled.

"What is it, chancellor Ganondorf?" Link asked and looked at the sweaty green servant of his.

"I believe..." He huffed. "I have found something, that could belong to the evil source that is sabotaging our castle!"

"Let's take a look.."

It looked like it was used for walking, just like mine is. It was a long golden wand that had a diamond shaped golden ornament on top of it. "It looks nice, what ever it is." I stated as I noticed the top of the ornament was changing colour.

"Indeed." Ganondorf said excited.

"Why is this exciting to you, chancellor?" Link asked sounding extremely suspicious.

Ganondorf quickly fell silent. "Because I thought for once I was able to help you, your excellency." He murmured now sounding sad.

I grabbed Ganondorf's hand. "Of course you were. Don't be sad." I tried to cheer him up not even knowing what in the world was this wand he had brought to us.

"Thank you Princess." He sniffed.

"Hmph." Link retorted. "Does this wand posses any sort of magical powers, like Zelda's wand does?" He then asked sounding a bit more calm.

"Well, how could I know?" Ganondorf shrugged. "Let's test it, shall we?"

Link hesitated for a while but then decided to agree. He nodded.

"But what should I use it for?"

"Just swing it and see if anything happens." Link said crossing his arms.

Ganondorf swung the golden wand towards the hallway door and at the very same second a guard walked in, possibly to give his daily report. A 'flame' mixed with blue, red and yellow ignited from the top of the wand and then shot a beam of the mixed colours towards the guard.
We all watched in horror as the guard shouted from agony as he was splashed into the wall and turned into a mere painting.

Ganondorf dropped the wand at the same second. Link stared at the whole scenery in disbelief and I was frozen at the spot.

"A-a paint brush?" Link stammered and broke the long silence.

"What have I done?!" Ganondorf fell into his knees.

I carefully walked over to the guard painting and touched it. It wasn't wet. It was like it had always been there. "Oh goodness." I whispered.

Link called many other guards and servants to the scene to see if they could do anything. As they all were busy solving the mystery of the wand I whispered to Ganondorf hoping that nobody could hear me. "I noticed how the guard painting resembles alot the style that is presented in the many other human paintings around the castle's art galleries, or am I just imagining?"

Ganondorf thought for a minute. "Now that I think about it, you're absolutely right." He tried to straighten his monacle that he was not wearing. Habits.

"Where did you find the 'brush'?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Oh, uh, I was walking through the bedroom hallway, and I saw it laying in there, just in front of your and Link's bedroom." He responded quickly. "Strange how neither I or you didn't notice it while passing by earlier today." He added.

"And you believe that it belongs to the black demon in disguise?" I continued remembering the painful scars in my back.

"I highly do. I don't have any further theories, but I just have the feeling that it does belong to him."

I turned to look at the crowd that was surrounding the painting. I noticed water buckets and brushes at the hands of the servants, they really were trying to wash him off the wall. "NO! STOP!" Ganondorf sprinted through the crowd to protect the painting. "You'll ruin the mas-" he was about to yell but then quickly fell silent and turned red.

"Ganondorf Dragmire! What in the world do you think you're doing?!" Link walked over to him his hands clenched.

Ganondorf's skin was now the mix of red and green. He resembled a rotten apple to be honest. "Nothing your royal highness..." He said embarrassed leaving the room. I watched after Ganondorf confused.

After a while Link told the servants and guards to leave since they were not able to remove the painting from the wall.
"This world is strange." He walked to me and said. "And what in the world went into Ganondorf?"

"You don't say." I responded.


We walked into a huge, huge open space room. "I planned the wedding ceremony and such could be held in here. What do you think?" Link asked smiling.

"I like it." I said simply.

"Do you also like dancing?" He asked me.

"I do actually." I laughed.

"Then may I have this dance?" Link winked offering his hand.

I gently nodded.
And there we were. Two sillies dancing without music, but it didn't matter. What mattered was the fact that we were together.
We danced for hours, under the small golden lights of the ceiling lighting our way.
Two characters, dressed up in blue and green, in a huge palace, dancing under thousands of golden pieces. Just like in my dream.

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