Chapter 14 - Bracelet

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I was sitting on a armchair and reading a book about the royal family of Arlen. I now shared a room with Link.

I heard someone slam the door of our room open. It was Link, he was holding some clothes. "Zelda!" He shouted on excitement. "I got your dress!"

I smiled. "Great." Couple days ago, me and him were visiting the craftmakers of the castle. Link asked them to make me some clothes that would be a bit more solemn. I put the book down and stood up. Link gave me a light blue long dress that had white puffy sleeves, red ruby on the chest, a collar and a dark blue tight belt on the waist.

"Well? How do I look?" I laughed.


"That's all?" I winked my eye for Link.

"You are too beautiful for words." He smiled. "But I have something else in here with me." He gave me turquoise heels and a little golden bracelet. He let me keep my Triforce shaped earrings, I'm glad. I opened my golden hair that i had just quickly tossed on a ponytail last evening. I quickly brushed it with my fingers.

I don't really like blue. I didn't like the dress either, but whatever. I guess I'll wear it if it makes Link happy. I walked over to a huge round mirror, the same kind that was in Link's Office. I turned around to see how I looked like. I guess it could be worse.

Link walked next to me and looked at our reflection from the mirror. I leaned on his cold shoulder armor. Even when I was wearing heels he was still much taller than me, so much taller, that it looked funny when we were standing next to each other.

"Zelda, come with me." Link then said quickly and left walking towards the door.

"Where are we going?" I asked when he dragged me from my hand along the long hallways.

"I want to give you something." He said mysteriously.

We arrived in front of a small steel door, that was guarded by four soldiers. Link opened the door and then stepped inside. In front of us was a long hallway, again. We walked towards the light that was shining in front of us at the end of the hallway.

"Welcome to the treasure and jewelry room of the castle." Link presented and pointed all around the room with his hand.

I gasped when I saw all the gold that surrounded the room's every corner. "Why'd you bring me here?" I asked while I was still looking around me.

Link walked over to a small dome and picked up a pretty big golden bracelet that had a purple diamond at the middle of it. "I had the feeling that maybe this could maybe bring you luck at some point of your life. I don't know though, I could be wrong." He laughed.

"I think it's really pretty." I said while I put it to my hand. 

"I'm glad you like it." He said and walked over to the domes again. This time he didn't pick anything up from them though. He opened a safety closet next to them, in it, lied a tall turquoise wand that had the Arleanian Triforce as an ornament on top of it. It wasn't a small ornament though, it was huge. Bigger than my head. Link picked the wand up and gave it to me. "In the Arlenian royal culture, the women of the royal family, use this wand as they walk around the castle or speak in front of the people. It hasn't been used much though, we haven't had much woman royals in the blood. In fact, not a single Princess has been born into the royal family of ours. My own mother has last used it." He lectured.

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