"Leo?" she asked when she saw the original, the drawing, and the blue print I had drawn when it would be constructed.

"Oh, yeah. Well, when I was being babysat by Tia Colida, (SP?) I drew that," I pointed to the coloring. "Then, I came here and discovered the bunker and saw the original of the exact war ship. It was creepy," I pointed to the original. "Then, I made another copy of it." My mom nodded and looked at everything else.

"Wow, Leo. I am so proud of you," she muttered pulling me into a hug. I hugged her back and felt tears prick the sides of my eyes once more.

"I missed you," I whispered.

"I missed you too," she murmured kissing my head. I had my mom back.

Nico's POV

After the monster attack, I rushed back to my mom and sister. I gave them a quick tour. I really only wanted to be with them. The tour had been quick and it was now an hour after the attack. We were walking back to the Hades cabin when Gian approached.

"Hey, Nicole," I straightened at the nickname. I turned around to be face-to-face with Gian.

"Don't call me that," I growled resisting the urge to attack Gian. Bianca put a comforting hand on my shoulder and my mom gave my hand a squeeze.

"Ooh. Little Nicole needs his mommy to keep him calm. Who even wants to be around their mom? Oh, does the baby need his mommy to protect him from the big, bad bullies?" Gian mocked pretending to wipe his eyes.

"I'm sorry, Gian," I sneered. "My mother has been dead for years now as for my sister. Excuse me for wanting to spend time with them. Now get out of my face before I send you to Hades. And trust me, I've done it." Gian looked scared, but quickly covered it up.

"Your family died? I bet you murdered them," Gian suggested. My mom and sister stiffened.

"My uncle killed my mother because my sister and I were not to be born and my sister sacrificed herself for a quest. She got crushed by a giant robot." Gian frowned. Then, he got an evil grin.

"Alrightly then. Just be prepared gay boy. Your boyfriend will leave you soon enough." I launched myself at Gian, tackling him to the ground. He looked shocked.

"Shut up!" I growled. He nodded scared. My black eyes bore into his coffee brown ones. Then, I punched him in the nose hearing a satisfying crunch. Then, I got up and shadow traveled back to the Hades cabin with my family.

"Nico," my sister breathed when we were safely locked away.

"Stop," I whimpered through tears. I sat on my bed furiously wiping tears from my eyes. I sniffed then looked up.

"I'm so sorry. I left and joined the Hunt. I was tired of always needing to take care of you and wanted a break. I didn't think about you. I was selfish. Then I died and left you alone and this is what happens and-" Bianca burst out.

"Stop, Bi," I said. "You deserved a break. It's not easy taking care of a ten year old. You weren't selfish. You were following your dreams. And if you hadn't died, the quest wouldn't have been successful." Bianca nodded. Her and my mom sat down next to me and we lay down.

"Boyfriend, huh," Bianca said breaking the ice. I smirked and pushed her playfully. "What? I want to meet the one that finally brought my little brother out of his funk." I smiled, a true, genuine smile.

"C'mon," I said and grabbed their hands, shadow traveling to the infirmary. When I got there, Will was treating Gian while his mother and step-dad sat their watching him aggravated. I knew that they wanted Will to carry on the family business because otherwise they would loose the business. I also knew that Will hadn't told his family that he was dating me. "Okay, guys. That blonde kid who is healing Gian is Will Solace, my boyfriend. Also, he hasn't told his family that he is dating me. He is a son of Apollo and wants to be a doctor, but his family doesn't want him to be." I explained.

"Why?" my mom asked.

"Something about a family business." I shrugged and went out of my hiding place pulling Mom an dbianca with me. "Hey, Will," I greeted.

"Him!" Gian said. Will turned.

"Nico, you beat him up?" Will asked disapprovingly.

"I might have," I admitted. Will chuckled dryly.

"Have you been shadow traveling lately?" he asked ignoring his parents questioning looks.

"Ummm," I trailed off not answering.

"Yes," Bianca announced.

"Nico," Will warned.

"I know. 'No Underworld-y stuff.'" Will nodded then sent Gian out grumbling.

"Anyways..." I said desperate to change the conversation.

"Who are these to lovely ladies?" Will asked finishing taking care of his magic healing stuff.

"Oh, Will, this is my sister, Bianca and my mom, Maria. Bianca, Mom, this is Will Solace, my..." I trailed off asking for his approval to announce that we were dating to his parents. He glared. "My friend. WIll, Bianca died on that quest with Percy, Zoe, Thalia, and Grover. You know. The one to save Artemis and Annabeth?" Will nodded. "And my mom died because of you Dad's dad. You know with me being a child of the big Three?" Will frowned.

"If they died, how are they here?" Mrs. Solace asked nervously.

"Oh. My dad brought them back for the day. There are a lot of dead people here today," I said nonchalantly. Mrs. Solace gasped. I smirked. "Well, Will. I had better go and hang with my family before they return to the Underworld. It's not everyday that I get to hang out with my mom and sister when they aren't ghosts." I was trying to creep out Will's parents for the fun of it.

"He's a son of Hades," Will explained. His parents backed away even more.

"Bye, Will," I said then skipped up to Will and pecked his cheek. His parents gasped, myfamily laughed, and Will turned bright pink. Then, I ran away followed by Mom and Bi.

"NICO!" Will yelled. I cackled and herded my family back to my cabin. We collapsed onto my bed laughing crazily. I missed this.

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