Part 1 The Beginning

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(DISCLAIMER: This is my first story so I am open to advice and opinions. When Younger Sean is writing in his diary he will use improper grammer and spelling. Also this has a lot of trigger alerts so I'm warning you. Enjoy!☺)

Entry 1, January 7, 1997
Today is both a good day and a bad day.  The good part was i got a new diary to write in. The bad part is i had to move schools so i dont get to see my friends anymore. :(
But i have this diary to keep me company or something like that- Sean

Entry 2, January 8, 1997

Today my dad came home drunk and abused me and mom. He slammed the door open, pulled his belt off and hit me on the back. He pulled mom up from the couch and forced her to have sex with him. He said " GO UPSTAIRS NOW I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU!!"  i ran up the stairs and locked my door. i hid in my closet. i heard him stomping up the stairs and mom crying. He busted down the door and looked for me. When he found me he grabbed me by the arm and threw me on my bed so i hit my head hard on the wall. He laughed at that. He took his belt off again and hit me on the leg. i screamed "STOPP!!" But he laughed again. When he left i was left bleeding, crying, and wondering why i was here.- Sean

Entry 3, January 9, 1997

Today when i went to school i got stared at by everybody and i got called to the office. When i got there i started thinking get of what happened last night and what was gonna happen tonight. Nurse Autumn and Principle Aiden checked me out and asked what happened last night  so i told them and started crying.  They said " It's ok." And " There, there." A few minutes later i stopped crying and went back to class. When i got home no one was there but i saw something horrific: Broken bottles, blood, the smell of beer, and my mother's dead body.- Sean

If you read till here thank you so much! I've always wanted people to read my creations I hope you guys enjoy this.

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