We Need to Tell Mum and The Ministry

Start from the beginning

"Just checking. Anyways, explain what happened?" George continued.

Harry looked down and twiddled his thumbs.

"Well you remember us writing to you about the duel. I made it through the first one perfectly fine. It was actually really fun." Harry said. "In the second one, though, was a lot different. It was held in the Forbidden Forest." Molly, Arthur, and George listened.

"Everything was going great. We had a plan, and it was taking longer than we expected. So it ended up turning night time. It also happened to be a full moon on that night." Harry added. Molly and Arthur's eyes widened, but they didn't interrupt him.

"I was heading over to my position, when I heard some rustling in the bushes. I thought it was our opponent, but then it started running around me so fast. It couldn't have been them. So I started to run. I called everyone through my wand, and talked to them. I reached a clearing, and looked back. There was a child werewolf, about five feet tall, that was chasing me." George was stunned.

"I told them about the werewolf, but I decided to keep it distracted so it wouldn't go after anyone else. So I fought with it. It jumped to me, and it scratched my face and eye." Harry said, pointing to his scar. "That's how I got this." He laughed awkwardly. He paused, and continued.

"Then I tried to hit it with some spells to take it down without hurting it. I mean it was a child. He probably couldn't control his actions. I couldn't possibly try to kill it. Minerva heard about the fight, and she started to fly to get me. Just before she did, it... well I'll show you." Harry pulled his shirt off over his head, and reveiled the scarred bite mark on his shoulder. The others gasped.

"It bit me with the intention of actually eating me. Thankfully Minerva got there in time to scare it off, but I was still bit. It took a couple of days for my vision to come back in my eye, and it only took a day for my bite and scratch to heal. But I am permanently, a werewolf." Harry concluded. He pulled his shirt back on, and sat down. Draco grabbed his hand, for support. Harry was happy with the gesture. Draco pulled out the newspaper article.

"It all happened a little over a month ago. He already went through his first moon, but he had to do so alone." He handed Arthur the article. He read through it, and had a grim expression. He handed Molly the article, and then to George. Molly was on the verge of tears. She stood up, and went to embrace Harry. Harry stood up, and hugged her back.

"Why did you wait so long to tell us?" She sniffed.

"I didn't want to tell you through a letter, and I was ashamed at the moment. People were scared of me, and I just needed to take a little time to come to terms with it myself." Harry told her. She let go.

"So what are your thoughts on the issue?" Hermione asked them. George handed Molly a tissue.

"It's horrible that you had to go through this, Harry. But I love you all the same. It'll just add a little more excitement every month." George joked. Harry was grateful that George felt no differently.

"Well, we can definitely find ways to deal with this. Just everyone month, you could go to the Black Manor for the night if you'd like. Or you could just stay in the shed. Wolfsbane doesn't work exactly the same everytime, so precautions have to be taken. But I don't see you any differently. You're still our Harry." Arthur assured him.

Molly stood there, and dried her tears. Everyone waited for Molly's answer. She hugged Harry again.

"Of course I still love you. And to think you nearly died again." She took a pause to stabilize her voice. "I'm so sorry I didn't tell you my thoughts of Draco earlier. I just didn't know how to feel. And because I waited so long, you could've died without knowing the answer. I'm just so sorry." Molly let go of Harry, and went to Draco. He stood up to face her. She gave him a big hug, which he returned happily.

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