Chapter 21 - The Meeting

Start from the beginning

They hugged for last. Nina and Eddie were watching from some bushes far from there, so they wouldn’t be able to see them. They couldn’t see his face either, so they weren’t sure who he was. Nina, though, had the feeling it was him. When they saw them hugging, they knew it was time to go to the library.

Eddie: You okay?

Nina: Not really. Pretty nervous.

Eddie: I know it would be hard, but I would be there remember?

Nina: Thank you Eddie, for everything.

Eddie: Hey, we’re in this together. We aren’t the Osirian and the Chosen One for nothing.

Nina smiled. She felt happy inside, because she’d finally see him. But she had a weird feeling about everything. Why she felt it was wrong? She felt it wasn’t only wrong, but something bad would happen.


Fabian was walking to the library, thinking about the phone call. He felt like he recognized that voice, but didn’t at the same time. Who was that girl that wanted to talk to him? What about? How did she knew him? The same questions were in his mind, and weren’t planning to go anytime soon. He was close to the library now, his heart was beating fast. He thought in turning around and going, but it was something he needed to do. Nina and Eddie had arrived already, and were upstairs talking about it.

Eddie: He’d be getting here anytime soon. I’m nervous.

Nina: You can’t be more nervous than I am right now.

Eddie: I would be here, listening, and if I feel like interfering I will.

Nina: As if I didn’t know you already.

They shared a laugh, just when they heard a noise coming from the door. Nina’s heart was beating faster than ever. She started going downstairs, just when their eyes found each other. Those greenish eyes she remembered. That messy hair she played with. And that face she fell in love with.

Her first reaction was to hug him, but she knew she couldn’t. Having him that close and not being able to do so, made her cry. Fabian didn’t understand why she was crying, or if she was even the girl he was meant to talk to. Though it had to be, he thought, the place was empty. He looked at her carefully. Greenish eyes as well, light brown hair, beautiful smile and face. He felt like he knew her somehow. He didn’t find words.

Fabian: Why are you crying?

Nina couldn’t talk. Eddie didn’t thought he’d have to interfere that soon. He walked downstairs and hugged Nina. She couldn’t stop crying. She needed to calm down. He then, walked towards Fabian. Fabian remembered that face, that blonde hair.

Fabian: Wait, I know you.

Nina couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

Eddie: How?

Fabian: I’ve seen you, in dreams and visions I’ve had. Here in the library, and in a cabin in the woods.

Eddie was surprised he remembered the cabin where he was trapped.

Eddie: Do you remember what happened there?

Fabian: I’ve some flashbacks, but nothing certain. Do you know?

Eddie had now teary eyes, just by remembering what happened there. Nina had stopped crying and now she looked at Fabian. He looked at her back and started connecting her to his visions and dreams. It was her, the girl he had been saving in his dreams and visions. The girl that he loved before and would do anything for her. It was her.

Fabian: It’s you… you’re the girl I saved in my vision… Nina.

Nina couldn’t believe he remembered her name, and that he even had visions about her.

Nina: Yes Fabian, I’m Nina.

Fabian: So, you must be the Chosen One whose I’m the Beloved of.

Nina: And there’s so much more Fabian.

Fabian: So… we were in a relationship, weren’t we?

Nina: Well, we never actually broke up since you disappeared.

Fabian: About that, what exactly happened?

Nina wasn’t ready to tell him everything, but he had Eddie as support. She thought that’d be enough.

Nina: We were searching for the Mask of Anubis, in some tunnels beneath the Anubis House where we lived. Were we still live, or at least me. When we  found out what Senkhara wanted to do with it, we knew we needed to hide it.

Fabian: Senkhara is the spirit lady who was chasing us?

Nina was surprised about how he actually remembered things like that.

Nina: Yes, it’s her. We hid the mask then, and hid the key so she wouldn’t find it. Then, she kidnapped us and wanted us to tell her where it was, but you hid it and I didn’t even know where it was. Then she started…

Fabian was having flasbacks of everything. When Nina said that, he remembered the lightning bolts Senkhara sent him that made his arm bleed. He walked backwards, merged in his thoughts, until he slowly sit down in the floor. He then, started crying, horrified by them.

Nina: Fabian, it’s okay, you’re safe with us now.

Fabian opened his eyes slowly and looked at her. Both had teary eyes. He then hugged her. They were both in the floor, hugging, crying, after everything that happened.

Eddie: May I ask, how did you survived? What happened to you was… horrible.

Eddie couldn’t even find words to describe it. He swallowed, nervous.

Fabian: Emily found me drowned in the river, where I was washing my… bleeding arm. She took me with her. Since then I’ve lived there.

Eddie: Mate, I’m so sorry, I arrived too late to that cabin. I could only save Nina, you were gone by then. It’s all my fault.

Fabian: It’s Senkhara’s, not yours. I managed to get out before she could hurt me anymore.

Eddie: …May I see your scarfs?

Fabian didn’t know how they knew about the scarfs he had from that night, but it made sense. Eddie having visions about what happened, and about him, he must knew everything. He had a good feeling about both, Eddie and Nina. That was it, his past. They would help him remember it all.

Fabian raised up his sleeve slowly. He had around 5 scarfs that cross over all of his arm. They were red still, and hurt. He didn’t like seeing them. Nina started crying again. Eddie then, noticed there was something at the back of his head. The same symbol Joy had. He freaked out a bit, but had to keep calm for them, both of them. He swallowed again.

Eddie: Nina… it’s the symbol.

Fabian: What symbol?

Nina: Then we’re correct and Senkhara is back. We must keep Fabian safe.

Fabian: Keep me safe? What do you mean?

Nina: We haven’t told you everything, but for your own safety, it’s enough for now. You need to come with us.

Fabian: What am I going to say to Rosie? Or Emily?

Nina: There’s no time for that, the most important thing right now is to keep you-

Suddenly the lights started going out, and the wind outside was getting stronger. Nina’s locket was shining, announcing something was happening.

Eddie: We need to go to the house, right now. 

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