Love Or A Trap?

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Lucy P. O. V.

Natsu comes into the room with my dinner then locks the door. All I could do was just stare at the food. I was so hungry, when he set the food down beside me, I instantly grabbed it. As I was eating I felt like I was being watched. I looked over at Natsu and saw  him staring at me. I kept trying to get his attention, but it was like he wasn't here. After I swallowed another bite of food I finally got his attention. Then he moved my food to the bed side table and layed me down on the bed. 'WHAT NO NO NO NO I'M NOT READY I DONT EVEN LIKE YOU'  I thought because I couldn't find words to speak. I wasn't scared I was just shocked. Then he did something that made me question everything. He leaned in and brushed his lips against mine then trailed down to my neck where he blew on it. I was scared about his next move and angry he'd take advantage of a prisoner like this. He then moved up and looked into my eyes seeing my emotions. When he was about to do more. A flying blue cat came out of the bathroom yelling. "YOU LIIIIKKKEEEE HHHEEERRRR"  Natsu fell off of the bed when he jumped and I laughed. I couldn't help it he deserved it. Natsu got up his face red from embarrassment.
"Haappppyyyy I do not like her"
Natsu whined, blushing. I blushed as well realizing what's going on. I get up and try and sneak to the door while they're arguing. I make it to the door and turn my back to them. I just touched the lock when I was roughly pushed against the door.
I try to turn around and fight, but Natsu is too strong for me. Especially since I am weaker from little food and no exercise.
"Where are you going little missy?" Natsu says threateningly in my ear.
"When will I be able to leave?" I ask him, not really wanting the answer.
"Lemme think hmm....  Never. Your stuck here forever." he said evilly, destroying my last bit of hope. Then he just surprised me again by kissing my shoulder. 'What?! No no I can't let this happen I have to get away'  I thought. I quietly unlocked the door, which Natsu didn't notice, then kicked back hitting him where the sun doesn't shine. I quickly opened the door and ran down the hall when I realized. I have no where to go and Natsu was chasing me down. And he's fast. I get out onto the deck and keep running. Luckily no one else was chasing me until Natsu yelled
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! CAPTURE HER!" I was almost to the life boat when a wall of... Runes?? Blocked my way. I paused for just a second and ran around the wall. I jumped the side of the deck into the life boat and realized. I don't know how to remove it from the ship. People were closing in on me now so I pulled out the pocket knife I had hidden and cut at random ropes which was my big mistake. I had cut off a few ropes and the side of the life boat I was on fell towards the water the only thing keeping the life boat up were the few other ropes on the other side. But unluck for me I fell into the water. As I hit the water it felt like I was being impailed Wil a million shards of glass. I unwillingly let out a little shriek. When a figure dove into the water with rope and a life preserver. That's the last thing I remember besides pink hair before I blacked out.

Natsu P. O. V.

I was shocked when Lucy ran and  just stood for half a second before sprinting after her. 'damn she's fast'  I thought as I kept running after her. She made it out to the deck and I just yell. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! CAPTURE HER!" she stopped running for just a second when freed put a rune wall in her path. She made it to the life boat looking confused and a little scared but also ready to fight. She pulled out a pocket knife. 'Where the hell did she get that? I'll need to strip search her after this.' I thought not completely hating the idea. In my momentary destraction she managed to cut through half of the supporting ropes. Knowing she'd fall I grabbed a life preserver attached to a rope we kept near the edge. I quickly tied the other side of the rope to the rim of the ship when I hear a shriek and water splash. I jump in holding the life preserver and swim to Lucy as she's blacking out. I grab her in my arm and hold the preserver while my crew pulls me up. When  we get up I throw Lucy o em my shoulder, like a sack of potatoes, and storm off to my room. I throw her on the bed and lock the door, grab some chains, and grab a thick metal lock. Then, I strip her looking in her clothes for any weapons she might have hidden. Good thing for me because I found three more pocket knives and a tazer along with a pair of handcuffs. I then put all that in a box lock it, and put it under my bed. After that I, leaving her naked, chain her to the bed so she can move a little bit, but good enough so she won't be able to escape again. Then I walk to the bathroom to shower telling happy to inform me when she wakes up. I get in the shower and think of a good punishment for her. 'I could have her clean  the whole ship naked with only a bucket of water and a rag. But no then lissanna will do something again. I could have her stay in here with little to eat and have the silence drive her insaine. No I need her to be in good condition when she joins the crew. Hmm...' I was thinking while taking my shower. When I got the best idea I've ever had for a punishment.
"Natsu she's awake" happy yells from my room and I turn off the water and wrap a towel around myself while putting another one around my neck after drying my hair. 'Show time. Oh your going to regret ever trying to escape Lucy.' I thought as I exited the bathroom and looked at Lucy with my most terrifying and sadistic look on my face.

(Woo-hoo 5 chapters down anything you wanna see in this fanfic feel free to comment below. Hope you enjoy the book so far)

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