The Ghost of You - Finally

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The clock struck 12. It's been 4 hours.


Shivers, sobs, and cries echoed off the walls hours ago.


The door jiggles. Nothing. Locked.


Footsteps and loud banging. Nothing.


The yells of a name. His name.


A light shining through the door crack. Expanding as the door is swung open.


The dialing of a phone number, three simple digits.


Sirens. Red and Blue flashing lights. The reflection of a police badge.


The pointing of a suspect and it's prey. A ready victim.


Rope, knots, a knocked over chair.

The creaks stopped.

He was where he wanted to be.

He was with who he wanted to be with.

He had chosen his fate with open arms.

His love, his life, his choice.

He was happy and so was she. Reunited once again.

A police officer shook his head as he wrote down on a slip of paper.

"Duncan Neilson

Pronounced dead at 12:00am, Monday, January 13 2014"

-•-The Ghost of You-•-


Authors Note; Wow! Finally done with this! Sorry for that almost happy ending heh heh ~(0u0)~

This was so much fun to write you have no idea <3

So I was wondering if you guys wanted more?

It could be another fandom I'm a part of, it could be another ship, it could be another story line with Gwuncan. Anything c: Just let me know. I'll probably start planning or writing it after next week because I have exams :c *Tear

Thank you all for sticking around c:

Until next time, Bye <3

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