Rush Week

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I woke up this morning and bounced out of bed without an alarm, full of excitement. I can't wait to see Kole today. I've missed him so much for so long that it feels like a dream to be near him again.

My usually wardrobe consists of gamer graphic-T's but today is special. I open the dresser and pull out my best cool casual shirt. A blue button up plaid shirt from Macy that grandma got me for Hanukkah last year. If I'm going to be the part then I'll need to dress the part.

I gathered my supply's and headed to the community bathroom for a shower, God the sight still gives me shivers. I've never been one for public nudity especially in locker rooms. Not only did I have to see other naked people that I didn't ask to see but it also makes me very selfconscious about my lanky body.  Needless to say I took my 5 minute shower and got the fuck out of there.


I got to class early and took a seat.

"Hey, you guy in plaid, do you have a pen?" The guy in the seat behind leans in and asks.

Slightly confused, I turn to face him "Hm... Uh yeah" I say pulling out the cheap pen I carry around exactly for these situations and handing it to him.

"Thanks man!" He exclaims graciously.

"No problem." I reply awkwardly waving him off and turning to face the white board again.

"I'm Tim by the way." Was that statement directed toward me? "Hello?" He says reaching over his desk and poking me in the back with the pen I gave him a moment ago. This is what I get for being kind.

I turn to face him again, my arm resting one the top of the seat back. Then he suddenly smiles with his perfect white teeth. He's actual pretty handsome I guess, if you're into blonde haired blue eyed guys, to bad I like Kole. He brushes his hand into his short blonde hair then reaches to shake my hand.

"I said I'm Tim"

"Well hi Tim" I say with an unintentionally annoyed tone.

He raises an eyebrow at my snarky reply. "Okay, what's your name?"

"Spencer." Wait is he trying to befriend me? I've never had many friends. There was Trey who stopped talking to me after puberty hit him hard and he got popular. And then there was Xavier but we stopped talking after he got a girlfriend.

After that I didn't really try to make friends with people but I learned a valuable lesson, people will leave you the moment they find something better. Kole on the other hand was always there for me and was unwillingly taken away.

The professor walked in right after I spoke my name.

After my classes I made my way to Kole's club house. The house looked a little different without all the red cups littering the ground. I enter the mansion, a nicely dressed college student hands me a pamphlet at the door then tells me to have a seat. I walk into a large room that has chairs lined up with an aisle in between. I head over to a metal foldable chair and take a seat.

Still seated I look around the room for Kole. Unfortunately I don't see him. We saw each other yesterday and I already miss him. Is it normal to think of someone so much, I feel if he told me to jump off a bridge to be near him, I'd do it.

There are about 30 other guys in the room, some chatting, others sitting quietly on there phones, while I excitedly anticipate Kole's arrival.

The room is actually surprisingly nice it features crown molding, wainscoting and hard wood floors. There are leather sofas on either side of the room that I'm sure are pushed in when these cheap folding chairs are put away. And a large flat screen mounted on the wall opposite the entrance. This is definitely not the room I was in on the first day.

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