12 | No More Sad Songs

Start from the beginning


"Have you talked to her?", Selena asked and sat down next to her boyfriend. He shook his head. He felt bad, actually. He should be with Perrie right now. She needed him. 

Zayn sighed, "No. Jesy once called me and told me what was happening. I really, really want to fly over to be there for her, but my management won't let me. I'm glad I at least get to see my girlfriend."

A slight appeared on Selena's face. Yes, she and Zayn were dating for good three weeks already. Though, they had to keep it a secret since the 'Perlena' thing was pretty much still alive. They haven't really done anything new, though. They've been planning to break them up when Little Mix's new album would come out, which could be in one month, - if Perrie records her last parts for some songs, too. She's been avoiding the recording studio also. But to be honest, she had her reasons when it came to the recording studio.

"Call her. Zayn, I can see and feel how worried you are. I tried to call her, but she won't pick up. That might change if you call her. She'd pick up on you anyday. At least try." Selena kissed his cheek and went back to her tour bus. She met up with Zayn because they were in the same city right now. Since they both were on tour there was no possibility to see each other. But when you look at the whole 'Perlena' thing, it might even be a good idea not to see each other until this whole thing was over. 

Selena was right. Zayn really wanted to know how Perrie was doing and why she was doing what she was doing. She was never like that. Hooking up with random people and drink until everything's blury, - that just wasn't Pez. Though, Perrie wasn't Perrie without Jade.

Zayn took out his phone and searched for Perrie's number. When he found it, he pressed on it instantly and called her. After the phone rang a few times, a tired blonde took the call. "Hello?"

"Hey.", he said softly. "It's me."

"Zayn..", Perrie whispered.

"Yeah.." It was a little awkward between them, but only because he didn't know how to start a proper conversation about her lifestyle lately. "Look, Jesy called me a while ago telling me you've been going through a hard time lately. May want to tell me what's going on?"

"Everything's fine.", Perrie said and tried to make it sound as believable as possible.

Zayn sighed, "Really? Look, I've heard about the hook ups and your behavior lately. I hate not having the possibility to be there for you right now, Pez. I can't even imagine how you're feeling about this whole situation, but please talk to me."

"As I said, everything's fine.", Perrie mumbled and you could hear that she wasn't as sober as this morning. "Don't worry about me. My life's great. I can finally do whatever I want, fuck whoever I want and drink whatever I want."

Zayn noticed how different Perrie sounded. Not only because of the alcohol, but also because he now realized what everyone meant with 'she changed'. "Are you drunk?!", he now asked. He was worried sick.

"Who cares?"

"I do."

"Well, if you would.. You'd be here and not in North America!", Perrie suddenly snapped. "Goodbye, Zayn. Have fun on your fucking tour." Then she hung up.

Zayn was shocked. He couldn't function and he knew that the Perrie he just talked to wasn't Perrie. It wasn't the Perrie he fell in love with, not the Perrie Jade fell in love with, it just wasn't Perrie. He now could understand why Jesy and Leigh were so worried. Though, there was a positive thing after all: She answered the call. She wanted to hear his voice and she decided to let him talk. Maybe it was because of the alcohol, maybe not, but that didn't matter to Zayn. What mattered to him was the fact that of all people, she decided to listen to him, even if it didn't work out the way he wanted to. 


"Heather?", Jade asked and looked at her girlfriend. The last two weeks have been great to her, actually. Though, she thought about Perrie a lot and she was wondering what the blonde beauty was doing right now, how she was doing and most important of all.. If she was alone or not. She kinda felt bad for rejecting her 'actual' girlfriend so harshly. Since they never broke up for real, Jade figured that they must still be together. Which was weird considering the fact she's been dating another girl for almost two months now. Though, the thought of Zayn and Perrie doing dirty was in Jade's mind 24/7 which made her depressed even more. Which is why she didn't want to hear Perrie's name, nor if she was meeting someone else or if she was happy, too.

Heather raised her head and looked into Jade's beautiful eyes, "Yes, love?"

"Do you maybe want to go out tonight? We didn't go out for a while now and I miss it.", Jade smiled. Heather laughed and Jade kissed her cheek lovely.

"That's an amazing idea.", Heather smiled and kissed Jade's lips. It was a soft, but sweet kiss. Heather completely forgot Perrie. Basically, she only did that because she knew Perrie's current state. She knew what Perrie was doing and how she was doing and she knew that Perrie didn't even dare to think about Jade at all, which is why the dark-haired girl wasn't as bothered as she used to be when Perrie and Jade were still talking. 


"Hey, Claudimar. Do you want to go out tonight? I found a really cool club near your apartment.", Perrie said through the phone. You'd call it going out with a friend, Perrie would call it her daily routine.

"Sure. I'll pick you up at seven.", he said.

"Great.", Perrie smirked and hung up. She couldn't wait to get to that club, which is why she went into her bathroom and re-did her make-up and chose something to wear. Hot and slinky. The usual, actually. She couldn't wait to see who'd be her next victim. This night could be fun.

- - - -


Well, so I actually like how this turned out :) What do you think? Let me know in the comments! And does anyone get what I'll do next? Maybe? Maybe not? :D 

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