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For one my closest internet friends, love you Shelby.

Your POV

"Alright. For the next training you guys will be in pairs and I'll be assigning your pairs now." Jared, our trainer for surviving this shitty world explains looking at his clipboard.

I don't even know why I need to take this class? I know how to survive more than any of these teens. I should be out going on runs, like Carl. Why does he get to go on runs? We were in the same group. Why does he get special treatment?

I sigh as Jared starts to call names and I hear someone giggle beside me. I already know its Chase. "What are you giggling about?" I laugh turning to him.

"He paired me with Jeremy." I roll my eyes, Chase has a huge crush Jeremy, a guy in this society, he's pretty cute and Im sure Jeremy has a crush on Chase too judging by the color of his cheeks when his name was called out but Chase hasn't noticed. Both of them are so god damn oblivious.

"Shelby and Carl Grimes." My eyes almost pop put of my skull, Carl Grimes? Are you kidding me?

"Um, Jared?" I call out and he looks at me. "Carl barely comes for training—how am-" he cuts me off which annoys me, I would've punched him in the face but I really don't want to stay here doing rounds.

"He will be attending the partner training and Rick said he will be training from now on." Jared simply says as he walks away leaving me confused.

"Oh and Shelby?" He turns to me again as Im about to leave the field.

"Inform Carl that you're his partner and come to training with him." He states narrowing his eyes and I roll my eyes whilst groaning.

"Cheer up. Its not that bad." Chase says as he walks beside me.

"Chase its Carl! I know we were in the same group for about a year and we had a really touchy friendship but he doesn't even look at us anymore."

Chase has been my childhood friend and we have been surviving this thing together with our families until they got attacked then it was just us two. Since this stupid virus has been going on for about five years, we spent two years with our family, one year on the road alone until Rick found us and we were accepted into his group which was the best thing that had ever happened. Then after a year or more we found this place, its been five months we've been staying here.

"Im sure he still cares and by the way—he doesn't look at anyone anymore. Not just us. Its like he's grew apart from everyone." He said waving to some random people.

"Well whatever, I know this is gonna be an awful week."


"Rick?" I call out as I enter his house, "Come in!" He calls from the kitchen and I walk in closing the door behind me.

"Is Carl back from the run?" He raises his eyebrows at me, "Carl? You guys haven't talked in a while." He said while grabbing his cup of coffee from the counter and taking a sip.

"I know. Jared paired us up for the training so I just needed to tell him that." I sighed running my hands through my long hair. I really need to trim it but Carl always like it long.

"He should be back by now. Go to the gates." He told me walking upstairs and I nodded heading out.

I walked towards the gate which was not to far from Ricks house, just a few turns. I waved to Maggie as she carried some supplies, she blew me a kiss since her hands were full and I giggled.

I sat on a bench that was placed on a side walk just a few feet away from the gate not too close though.

I heard a horn followed by the sound of the gates opening and I stood up to my feet, they carried me towards the cars and I smiled when Daryl trailed after them on his bike.

"How come you came to greet us kid?" He laughed, "don't get used to it." I shouted back and gave him a hug which he returned.

I pulled away and gave Glenn a hug, "surprised to see you."
"Oh we live in the same house Glenn, shut it." I smacked his back playfully.

"Wheres Carl?" My eyebrows furrowed as I didn't see him step out of the car, "right behind you." My heart jumped as I heard his voice, I turned myself and my eyes met his blue icy ones, which I haven't seen in a long time.

How could you go from waking up everyday looking into them to not seeing them for months?

"Nice to see you." I gulped, "you too." He simply said pulling out a bunch of boxes from the backseat of the car, not before Glenn took them from him.

"I'll take these, I think she needs to talk to you." He laughed walking way not before shooting me a wink and I flipped him off.

"What do you need?" He asked surprisingly he was actually acknowledging my presence, usually he would just walk away without a glance which is really weird since we were pretty close.

"Um so Jared said you'll be joining training and its gonna be in pairs now." I scratched the back of my hand, a nervous habit. Im pretty sure Carl noticed because his eyes trailed onto my hand before coming back to me.

"Okay?" He started to walk with his hands in his pockets and I followed.

"So we're paired up." I bit my lip just as I said it. I didn't want to see his face but it wouldn't hurt to so I did and it was emotionless.


"We have to go to training together." I tell him further seeing if he's gonna react.

"Cool, when does training start?"

"At 12 pm." I sighed kicking a small rock in front of me.

"Come over at my house around 11." He said joining me kick the rock making me smile, we would do this when we were bored.

"Wait why 11?" I stopped turning to him putting the palm of my hand on my forehead to shield myself against the suns burning rays as I looked up at Carl, he was at least a feet or two taller than me.

"We could have breakfast together since it would probably get late if you had breakfast at your house first and then come." I didn't understand what he had said but if he was trying to regain back our friendship I wouldn't decline the offer.

"Okay." I smiled, as I started to walk away not before turning back.

"See you tomorrow Carl!" I smiled, my stomach flipping. I turned back quickly unaware of his stare on me.


Watch our for part two shelby. ;)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2017 ⏰

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