Its real.

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For one of the best aleesha_543

Aleesha's POV

My best friend Farzeen and I were shopping, We were looking everywhere for some walking dead shirts or at least a Carl grimes one because he's so cute and such a hottie.

After walking for felt like hours, we finally came across a shop that was completely devoted to the Walking dead.

Me and Farzeen squealed in happiness as we entered the shop.

We walked in all the merchandise was completely amazing. I let Farzeen wander off as I started to search for a Carl grimes shirt and figurine.

My eyes landed on a shelf that had what I wanted until I bumped into someone.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry. My attention was fixed onto the Carl Grimes shirt." I began to nervously ramble as the person helped me up and my heart got caught in my throat when I saw that I had bumped into Chandler Riggs.

"Hi. and it's okay!" He laughed.

"You're searching for a shirt with my face?" He laughed again, my insides melting.


"Come on, I'll help you search." He extended his hand, I was hesitant to accept but I did and he smiled at me.

He dragged me to a shirt section, I mentally started squealing.

He showed me a couple of shirts and we were just laighing around until we heard a bunch if screams, my eyes widened as I looked at Chandler.

"What's happening?" I asked scared, I had to find Farzeen.

Chandler grabbed my hand and we ran to the entrance. I looked through the windows and my eyes could not believe what was outside, real zombies.

There was a huge army tank outside and I saw Andrew running out and coming to the store we were in. I looked around for Farzeen and screamed when I saw her body, blood pooling out of her head. My heart crumbled and I began to cry.

Chandler pulled me in him and took me to the tank with Andrew behind us.

"Its okay babe." He comforted me and I tried to stop my tears.

We went inside the tank and I saw the entire Walking dead cast and now I had no idea if I should be happy or sad about this situation.

They embraced Chandler with hugs and kisses on the head and then pointed to me.

"Who's she?" asked Norman,

"I met her in the store, we became friends I thought to bring her with me, wait I never got your name?" Chandler explained and turned to me.

"Aleesha-Aleesha Nasir." I spoke.

"Well Aleesha this is a start of a great relationship." He said smiling but I could see the slight fear in his eyes.

And that's when the apocalypse became real and we kind of survived.


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