Bonding. {Requested}

463 16 6

Written by me.
Carl imagine.

Emilie's POV

I was extremely tired after working in the field all day, I just wanted to sleep. As I was trying to walk back inside the prison, it was too hot so I just collapsed on the ground.

My face was infront of the sun, I was sweating so much.

"Emilie, go inside" Rick orders, he and I were on fence duty, farming all day and it was tiring.
It was our job though, and we had to do it because others were busy with runs, Judith, prison clean up and guard duty.

Honestly, the group were going on runs again and again. All I did was lay in my bed when they did, so I agreed and help Rick. Best decision ever.

I didn't mind doing it at all.

I just gave a wave to a Rick to signal him I'm okay. I'm actually happy I did it because I got to spend time with Rick, he was like a dad to me and also I felt much more important to the group.

I just closed my eyes and laid there on the ground, trying to catch my breath when suddenly the sun was blocked by something.

I opened my eyes to see my goofy best friend also crush; Carl with a stupid smile on his face. I didn't care if I looked like a big mess because it was Carl and even if he did like me, he will have to love me with my flaws.

"Like hell"
"Why? I'm fresh." He was saying it on purpose, he knew I was working. He loves to tease me.
"I was farming and killing walkers all day by the fence! What did you do? Stand in the shade." I stick my tongue out at him, he made a funny face making me laugh.

"But it was worth it." I smiled.
He gave me a confused look, "Working in the hot sun, pulling out weeds, killing flesh eating creatures with the group's leader was fun?" He said making it sound awful.

"It was fun because me and Rick got to bond, he's not a leader to me. He's like a dad. And we got to bond something we hadn't done in along time. The last time we had bonded before he got serious was before this shit. When your mom and my mom made play dates" I smiled at the memories.

Me and Carl have been best friends since we were five, we owe it to our moms because they had been best friends since they both were in colleges and stayed best friends resulting in me and Carl to be best friends. So when this shit happened, I was actually at school with Carl and Lori came to pick us both with my mom but than I lost her.

I didn't frown, it was past. Now, I'm happy with my best friend.

"I remember those days, and great you got to 'bond' with my dad" he made it sound funny, I smacked him.

"Carry me inside." I said sitting up and my arms motioning to pick me up. He rolled his eyes and motioned for me to get on his back.

I licked my lips and jumped on his back.
"You've gotten lighter!" he laughed,
"Thanks" I said even though it wasn't something to be happy about, I was underfed honestly.

"Not a thing to be happy." Carl said in obvious tone.
"I know." I put my head on his back, resting.


We entered the prison and everyone laughed at us. We just waved and Carl yelled to "Please clear the way! Princess Emilie is coming!" I smacked him.

"All hail princess Emilie!" Beth and Daryl said together, I was too tired to smack them.

The walk to the cell was long or should I say carrying, because me and Carl's cell was at the very end at the top.

He finally got to the top and in the cell, without warning dropped me on the bed causing me to scream out.

"Careful! You should've warned me!"
"Sorry" he held his hands up in surrender.

"It took you so long to get here" I said laying on my bottom bunk bed, I usually sleep at the top but too lazy.

"I think I was carrying a forty kg girl and our cell is at the top at the end" he said tickling me.

"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry! Stop" I laughed and groaned.

Carl stopped. Carl was pretty sweaty as well, his shirt was soaked. He slowly peeled it off himself, gosh he had abs. He made me weak.

"It's not nice to stare." he said still taking his shirt off.
"It's not nice to tease!" I scoffed, not in a rude way.

Me and Carl also had those couple friendships but we were never sure.

He lied down next to me, still shirtless. He interlaced our hands together and made me face him.

"I need to tell you this, after all" he said looking deep in my eyes, my average brown ones looked back to his oceanic blue ones.

"I knew we talked and said we were never sure about us," he said staring at our hands, playing with my fingers.

"But I love you. A lot." He admitted bringing his hand up to caress my cheek. I just blushed madly.

"What do you say?"
"Can't you see I'm already blushing!" I hid my face with my hands.

"I'm used to making you blush, you always do it around me." He chuckled,
"No I don't!" I whisper, yelled.

"Yes you do! So what do you say?"
"I love you more Carl." I said uncovering my face.

"Finally" he smashed our lips catching me off guard but I kissed back, he slowly climbed on top of me and continued to kiss me passionately.

The kiss was just amazing, it felt perfect but it wasn't our first. We once did three months ago but we were never sure then but I already had forgotten how his lips tasted and damn did they taste good.

We pulled apart slowly.
"Wanting to do that since the last time I did" I giggled.

"Can we sleep now!" I yelled, pushing him off.
"Well, that was a turn off" he laughed running his hand through his hair.
"Haha I love you" I laughed and cuddled into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

He kissed my forehead and I slowly drifted off to sleep.

I had finished thus but I couldnt think of a nice title for it! Forgive me!

Carl Grimes-Chandler riggs Imagines. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt