Hate. {Requested}

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Another one for my friend,
TrinityDavies hope you like it!
Written by me.
Chandler imagine.

Trinity's POV 

You know, it's a dream and a fantasy to date chandler Riggs but fantasy have it's twists and turns. Everything is always perfect but the hate isn't so perfect.

Everyday it's different,
Either it's ugly or go Rot or chandler deserves better and chandler says just ignore it, they're jealous.

But today. It went to far. I read a comment,
'I don't know why you were welcomed in this world, go die please'
And some people were agreeing with it.

I didn't tell chandler, he would get to worried and ignore his fans, I don't want him to ignore them. I was his fan once and I always thought it was wrong and people will think it's my fault and they'll hate me more even though I force chandler to interact with his fans.

I tried to ignore that comment but it always came back to my head,
'I don't know why you were welcomed in this world, go die please'
I started to cry and went to my room. I heard the doorbell rand but I didn't bother, my mom will get it.

I cried and cried until my bedroom door opened I looked up to see chandler,
"Trinity! Why are you crying baby?" He asked coming over and hugging me,
"Oh it's nothing just fangirl feels" I said letting out a fake laugh
"Your lying. That's not your fangirl cry" he says
He knows me to well. Dammit.
"It was the hate"
"Baby I said stop reading"
"Chan, I tried! I just read a comment because it was on my account I thought it would be nice"
"What was it?" He said rubbing his head.

I grabbed my phone and opened Instagram, scrolled down to my picture in which I was holding my cat, I showed the phone to chandler,
He read the comment and I could see some tears in his eyes, he blinked them away,
"That's it!"
"Chan what are you gonna do?"
He turned on his camera and changed to selfie mood,

"You're all my fans? What kind of fans? Who hate on the person I love? She's always telling me to interact with fans, answer there questions, follow there accounts, say thanks to them an you guys send hate in return? She's telling me to be good to you guys even though I try to ignore you when you send hate on trinity. We'll listen if you hate her just unfollow me because I love her so damn much, I know some of you guys love her to but the haters just stop"

He grabbed me and my phone,

"'I don't know why you were welcomed in this world, go die please' said chanlover2 that's just really rude! Don't say that to her! She didn't do anything to you, she tells me to interact with you guys because she was once a fan and she understands you guys so please stop"

"Trinity baby?" He turned the camera to me "she's a mess"
"She was a fan too once and she loves you guys so stop please"
"It's true" I say and chandler looks down,
"Please stop hate on her, she's all I have" he says and his eyes are filled with tears and I quickly wipe his tears away,
"Thank you" he says and posts the video everywhere, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube.

After a few days, chandler speech was really helpful I don't get hate anymore, just nice things, the girl even said sorry. They thank me for telling chandler to interact with them, they like me finally. It's definitely a fantasy dating chandler.

I push the thoughts aside and kiss my amazing boyfriend who I love the most.
My own and only chandler.
Ok that was good I guess.
I just hope you love it!!
It went To far and long but I wanted it to be special.
Bye loveliess

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