Safe. {Requested}

477 11 8

Written by me.
Carl imagine.

Isabella's POV

I ran as fast as I could but it wasn't worth it, they were right behind me. I couldn't feel my legs, from all the running and I definitely had no amount of breath left in my dry lungs. As I looked behind me i couldn't see anyone in sight so stopped for a minute to catch my breath.

I couldn't believe i just left Carl behind, but he told me to. I feel so bad right now, but they weren't after him, it was; me who they wanted.


"Someones here!" Carl yelled as he came back inside the wooden cabin we had located a few days ago.

"Who?" That was the dumbest question ever, like how is he supposed know that.

"Them" I instantly understood who and I jumped off the once comfortable couch and grabbed all my guns.

'Them' are the people who are looking for me since this shit started, they belong to Woodbury,
you see I was a very important member of Woodbury not to mention; the leader was my uncle and well he had gone all psycho after his daughter turned into those nasty biters.
I ran away from Woodbury and to the prison group; they were targeting, they didn't trust me at first but I earned my place as soon as I helped in the attacks.

I actually fell in love...with a boy, he was the prison groups leaders son; Carl Grimes. He made me so happy and made me laugh until my stomach started to hurt.
After their last attack which was when we lost the prison completely some people still lived, not my uncle just the men who wanted to do inappropriate stuff with girls half their age.

"How did they find us?" I hurried with my supplies as Carl grabbed his own,

"I don't know but we have to run and now" we ran out the backdoor but they caught us.

Carl shot one of them and kicked one, they were total 4 big guys.




I wiped my tears as I made a run for it, the guys didn't notice me at first but when they did I saw them throwing punch at Carl.

'Please be okay' I prayed and cried more as I ran fast into the woods.

-End of flashback-

I sat down on a wooden log and took a sip of my half dirty water, it's not so much but its all I have. It was silent just the chirping of birds and my silent sobs. I was praying, that Carl was okay. I heard rough footsteps like they're was a guy. I instantly thought it was Carl and I ran behind to be greeted with not Carl but 3 guys that didn't look so friendly.

"Did you really think you would get away?" The big buff dude with a bald head said to me more like threatening.

I didn't respond, I couldn't move, I was numb. The only thing on my mind was Carl and where the hell was he. The bald dude came towards and I stepped back a few steps but he grabbed me, roughly and knocked me unconscious.

Carl's POV

I woke up on the forest floor, confused but after a few seconds of recalling my memory, I realised what had happened and ran where Isabella had ran before.

I couldn't see her but thank fully, I had found some footprints. I followed them and after an hour or two ended up infront of an old store.

I looked from the glass windows to see my Isabella in the arms of someone else.

Carl Grimes-Chandler riggs Imagines. Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt