Caught me. {Requested}

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I love your name!
Written by me & idea by Amy.
Carl imagine.

Amy's POV

They take out Reg's body. I look away, he was an awesome person. He didn't deserve to die.  I walk back to my house that I share with the Grimes family. Judith was with Carol, Rick at the funeral and Carl was probably with Enid. I sigh;

He hasn't been talking much, just Enid. She doesn't like me much, I don't know.

I try to push my thoughts out of my head and just lay on the couch. They've been deaths of pretty close people. Reg, Noah, Tyreese arriving to Alexandria. I miss all of them.

I wonder, if I had died and none of them did, or at least just one of them. They were a better help to the group. At least they aren't ignored by the people they love

Yeah, love. not just the group. I love Carl, more than anything. Since the beginning, thank god for his and my mom being best friends. We were too.

I felt as if I don't belong, Beth and I were the one's actually close. Usually, Me and the group would hit it off as well, but they're all so busy. They would think I'm just 'depressed'. I hate that word, honestly no one can be depressed forever. They wouldn't be if they got attention. You aren't depressed, just sad for a moment of time.

(a:n: I don't agree with that, neither does amy but yeah I think about it sometimes, what is it so I decided to add it in, any of you who is please talk to me, because so am I)

I look at the tower by the gate from the window, it wasn't that far at all. The house was pretty close to it. No one was on duty, so I decided to go and hang for a while.

I walked out and made sure no one was following me, I quickly ran towards the tower. I opened the door and looked at the first step,

What am I doing?

I shook it off and climbed the stairs. My chest was heavy, my head pounded and my face was burning up, because of me not crying. It would happen when I would stop my tears and it was so hard to fake. I got up and the wind blew my long blonde hair.

I spread my arms, enjoying the wind. I let it all out, all the sadness, all the feelings bottled up. I took a glance at the road, everyone had frowns. One thing caught my eye, Enid and Carl holding hands, and that's when I actually start to bawl.

I started at them and I cried harder,

My best friend, my love with some else.

I looked away and cried more, I wiped my hand but it didn't help cause they were already wet. I sat down and brought my knees to chest, I took deep breaths and stopped crying.

Should I just leave?

Fade away?

Like the others did?

I don't belong.

I'll just be another person who lived.

Another funeral.

Or maybe nothing.

I gathered all the strength, I had left. I saw the tower had some pencils and paper put on the single seat.

Wow, people had everything planned.

Maybe another sign for the right decision.

I grabbed the pencil and started pouring my feelings to small parchment.

Hi it's Amy,

Ok, so I'm probably dead by I'm so dumb for lol-ing. anyways, I love all of you so much. Maggie, you were the best sister ever, you were always there omg, you were like glued to me, gleggie forevaa and I'll say hi to Beth. Glenn, you know you're my fav, Yo glenn coco. Daryl, you don't get touchy do you? c'mon don't cry, just your baby girl flying off high, I'm kidding I'll miss you a lot, daddy I never had, we need to get DNA tests! I'm damn sure we are related! Rick, the man who gave me a home, what up, jk you had no choice, I was Lori's favourite, again kidding, second daddy! I mean I never even had a dad lol(I'll say hi to Lori tho).  Carol, your cookies will be missed, jk you're my second mommy, hehehe cookies tho. Sasha, I had fun times with you babe. Tara, yo I was a mini you! Abraham, fire head I'll miss that hair. Rosita, señorita I had fun runs with you like omg, remember when Abraham screamed like a girl, HAH. Eugene don't be so afraid, you're important man, up. Michonne, best for last, lol you were amazing gal, no words described.

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