Chapter Twelve - "You're going to Be Alright."

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"Rosie, I know it's you." I heard him heave a sigh. "Rosie, are you okay? Are the kids okay?" He asked suddenly sounding worried.

"Yes, we're all fine."

"Then why are you calling?" He asked me. He didn't sound hostile, but actually worried.

"It's just that the kids miss you and I was just wondering if you would like to see them sometime."

"Of course" He quickly answered without hesitating. "When?"

"How about you come this Saturday for dinner at my place?" I asked. "Charlie is welcome too since they have been asking about him as well."

"Yeah, yes, sure" He answered; sounding excited.

"Okay." I nodded with a small smile on my face even though he wasn't able to see me. It was silent for a second before I gathered up my strength and said. "There's another reason why I called."

"I figured there was."

"Yes, Um... I'm really sorry about how I treated you. I know I was being childish, but I never meant to hurt your feelings."

"It's okay, Rosie." He assured me. "I already told you that I'm not mad." I was quiet and didn't answer. "I know it's hard on you to make such a decision when you still love another man, but I guess I was being selfish and wanted you to myself."

"Yes, but I still am sorry."

"Stop apologizing." He ordered sternly but softly.

I chuckled. "Okay."

"But I wasn't lying when I told you that I would wait for you for as long as need, Rosie."

"I know." I said in a low voice.

"Good. Now I'll let you sleep."

"Okay, goodnight."


I hung up and placed the phone back on the bedside table. I looked up at the ceiling and thought about Julian. Julian hadn't left my mind lately. He was all I thought about.

I had to admit that I missed the comfort of having someone taking some of the responsibilities off my shoulder. I missed having someone sleeping next to me each and every night. I missed having someone assuring me that everything was going to be okay even if it wasn't. Julian was a nice guy and he was husband material, but was he for me? I let that idea float around in my mind before I fell into deep sleep.


"Guess what, babies?" I asked my kids the next morning as we sat at the kitchen table having breakfast.

"What?" They both asked me simultaneously as they ate their cereal.

"Julian and Charlie are coming over for dinner this Saturday."

"Really, mom?" Adam asked me.

I nodded. "Really, baby."

They both stood up from their seats and hugged me. I chuckled as I hugged them back tightly. I knew Adam and Lily Rose needed a father figure in their lives. Nicholas was a wonderful dad to them and no one could argue about that, but at times I think that they missed having a dad. Even though I tried my hardest to not make them feel his absence, kids need both parents.


"Are you here hiding from a certain someone?" Estelle asked as she walked towards me.

I was standing at the back alley of the restaurant, leaning against the wall and eating my sandwich. "No, I'm just having my lunch." I told her as I raised my sandwich then took a bite out of it.

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