Chapter 5

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Mcgee puts a hand on Ziva's shoulder. She suddenly gasps.
"Sorry Ziva...." apologies Mcgee.
"Mcgee call Gibbs! Immediately!!!"
"I'm here Ziva" says the boss. "What do you have?"
"The first person mafia had killed was.. was his mother".
The team looks shocked.
Gibbs has called also Abby, Ducky and Palmer and in this moment everyone is thinking about that. "He has never told nothing about her. How could he carry a load like that?"
"How did it happen?" asks Gibbs.
"Well, here it's written that his father was at work and his mother was at home with him. Someone entered and shoot her. Tony was only eight. It seems he didn't want to talk to anyone anymore and that his father started becoming very aggressive with people, even with his son.
Four years later, he married another woman and Tony didn't accepted it. He tried to cancel the wedding".
"Tony was disinherited when he was twelve. So is this the reason?" Abby was speechless.
"I think so Abbs" says sadly Gibbs.
"But why have they it in for him?" asks Mcgee.
"Good question. Guys grab your gears. We're going to Baltimore" orders Gibbs.
"Why there? Is where they take Tony?"
"I doubt it Jim, but I want to speak with his ex-gaffers. Maybe they know something. I want my agents to take every detail of every thing he has done there" responds Gibbs.

60 minutes later...
"Special Agents Gibbs, Mcgee and David.
We have to speak to Dinozzo ex-bosses" states the older man.
"Yeah, on my way. What has he done?" asks the policeman who deals with the public.
"He was kidnapped" answers blunted Mcgee.
"Oh really!! Well, everyone here knew it would have happened sooner or later".
Gibbs get close to the man. "Explain yourself" states angrily.
"Well, we all know his story: at his first year in this city we found a trail to incriminate Mickey. The head of mafia, you know, the one who murdered his mother. Dinozzo was the only one who accepted an extremely dangerous undercover task" tells Carl, as you can see on his badge.
The team is holding his breath.
He continues "he went undercover as a criminal who committed murders for mafia. He did it for months and finally he found the clues.
He told everything to his superiors, waiting them to arrest not only Mickey, but the whole organisation. The names are in the storage if you want to have a look.
Anyway, his bosses said the hints weren't sure and allocated Dinozzo to another unit. I was so sorry for that guy! I didn't know him very well, but I've figured out that he was one of the few who didn't accept to see a hided case. I don't actually know the rest of the story, but I think he continued investigating about it".
"But it was too dangerous!" exclames Mcgee, sorry for his friend. "He didn't have fronts or instruments".
"He has always said the only instruments a policeman needs are his gun and his mind" responds Carl. "I really liked him. I'm so sorry he's gone".
"He's not dead!!" yells Ziva.
"I'm sorry madame, but if mafia has discovered his identity and took him, you must hope he's already passed away, because a revenge in their style is even worse than the death".
"I want to speak with his ex-gaffer. NOW!" barks Gibbs.
"Yes sir. But I must aware you: he isn't very kind with the ones who have questions for him". With that being said, Carl walks through the office with the team following him.
Every person who works there raises his head to look at the strangers.
They finally arrive to a large office. On the door's plate it's written only "the boss".
Gibbs spreads out the door.
"We need everything you know about Anthony Dinozzo Jr." orders Gibbs.
"Oh well, he was one of my men. But I can't give you details of the missions. I'm sorry" he says ironically.
Gibbs overturns his desk.
"He's one of my agents now!! And the one of the best field agents I've ever had!! I need you to collaborate!!" yells Gibbs.
"Ehy, I don't know where they had taken him. Leave my office!" orders 'the boss'.
"Yeah sure. But before that you better tell me how you know he was kidnapped".

"This is the last day.
See, your precious team hasn't succeed. What a pity! I'll kill you in a few hours, but don't be impatient. I've some more surprises for you" states him.
Tony looks at him with a frightened glance.
"Want some hints? Well, just 'cause I'm kind, I'll tell you that one of them involves your no-we're-just-collegues Ziva David".
"Ehy wait! My team isn't involved in this madness!! Don't touch them!!" yells Tony.
"I think you aren't in the position to give orders right now. But don't worry, I've thought about everything. We've planned everything" answers the criminal.
He exits the room and Tony can  clearly hear what he is saying: " Now it's your turn. Have fun".
He tries desperately to break the chains, but every effort seems to be vain.
"Hello Agent Dinozzo. You didn't expect me to be here, did you?" a known voice says.
Tony looks at him and suddenly everything makes sense. But now it's too late.
The voice's owner reachs him and attaches his chains to the ceiling.
Tony can barely stand so his legs are bended.
All he's able to do now is try to reduce the damage Trent Kort is doing to his body.

"The boss", whose name is Evans Craig, is lingering in the interrogations room.
Gibbs has called also his friend from FBI and now they're making deductions about the case behind the pane.
"Jethro, I'm really afraid Dinozzo can't make it. Those people are too skillful. I mean, you must look after the team you have now. The possibility of revenges are too high.
You have to face the reality: if you have to choose between protecting six people and looking for one person who is maybe already dead, the selection is logically obvious".
"Tobias you don't understand! You're talking like my people are only numbers but you're wrong. They means more to me. A lot more.
I'll do the impossible to protect my family" clears Gibbs.
"Jethro, I care about my agents too, but you're mixing private life and work. It isn't very professional.
I'm sorry, but Kelly has passed away and you can't do anything.
NCIS isn't your family. Accept it and don't risk your life for a worthless purpose. I'm talking as your friend".
"Tobias, family is more than just DNA.
I won't lose another child".
Gibbs replies leaving Fornell speechless.

"They'll kill you in the end" says Dinozzo with great effort. "You're a disgusting person. You aren't even a person. You haven't the rights to be part of the humanity. I know I'll die but I won't shut up a moment and I'll  continue remembering you how horrible you're".
Trent Kort smiles at his prisoner. "Whatever. But now I can do what I want with you. Let's start with surprise number two".
"Let's him in!" he shouts to somebody behind the door. 
"Papà?" calls Tony. "NO, free him. Take me not him!".
In front of the two stands Senior, looking at his own son with tears running down his cheeks and his hands handcuffed.

Guys we reached 100 visualisations!!
I just wanted to say THANK to you all!
You're awesome!!

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