Chapter 7

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"Kill me, not my son. There's no point in killing him: you can hold him as a hostage, take the money and vanish.
Instead, if you kill me in front of him you'll finally take revenge.
I'm a civile, Tony is a fed.
Which one of us do you think is more conveniently murdering?".
"I think both of you deserve a slow death.
But let's see what our Anthony thinks about it".
Kort tears the tape off and at last Tony can speak. He doesn't waste a second: •"Papà che cosa diavolo stai facendo? Non capisci che per quanti sbagli tu possa aver fatto tu per me resti sempre mio padre?
Mi importa ancora di te e mi dispiace di averti trascinato in questa storia. Ti voglio bene".•
"How poetic! Anyway, you're running out of time. I've just sent an email to Mrs. Sciuto. They're coming in a few hours.
Guys come in!
Let's prepare our guests. They seem a little messed up.
Oh, but don't worry Anthony, I think Ziva won't care about it.
Release them" orders Kort pointing at his captives.
They untie first Senior and then Tony. The latter falls to his feet, where is immediately reached by his worried father.
They finally lock the room and let them alone, giving the Dinozzos the time to keep up. Actually, Tony tries to explain the situation to his father, who is too busy checking out his son's wounds to listen properly.
"The one with the whip is Trent Kort, a CIA's agent. We were indaging about weapon smuggling when I found out he was involved. Very involved, believe me.
The other one is the son of Daniel Loscataglia, a mafia I sent to jail. I remember also the other mafia's, I met them undercov... dad, are you listening??" asks with difficulty Tony.
"I'm... I'm so scared. I can't lose you.
I understand only now how stupid I'd been!!" almost yells Senior. "I barely know you. I actually hadn't raised you, I let you alone since your mother died and you didn't deserve it at all. And now you could die and I'm here, doing nothing.."
"Come on dad, this isn't the first time I jeopardise my life.
And it's true that your indifference hurt me, but why are you apologising now? Isn't it a bit late?" cuts him off.
"Yeah, it's too damned late.
But 'someone' teached me it's never too late. And I've started believing him.
Look, when they got me I taught they were going to kill me and I immediately thought about what I would  have left behind.
And I thought about a family I broke by myself, about a son who I'd never told how proud of him I actually was. So I started wondering if I had actually lived. Maybe it's useless say this now, but this could be our last moment together and I wanted to... I don't know, do something...".
"Errr... I really don't know what to say.
It's true that my life wasn't easy and that was all because of you.
But you're right, I've never stopped dreaming we could be a family".
"Tony... you've a family. Your ncis team can give you more than I have ever been able to do. They really love you. It's such a beautiful friendship! And.. Ehy are you OK?" asks Senior.
"Yeah don't worry. Just a bit dizzy and sore. Go on please" responds Tony trying not to scream at the ache.
"Don't forget to tell Gibbs to take good care of you. And to thank him".
"Why should I thank Gibbs?". Tony's gut is starting warning him. But what about? They're already in a bad situation. How could it become even worse?
"Shhh... listen: they're coming" cautions Senior. Noticing his son is starting panicking, he comforts Tony: "It'll be all over in a few hours. You'll see your friends, you'll rest and every bond with your past will be cut off. It'll be ok, I promise you".
Tony hasn't the time to speak: the door is opened by Daniel and a lot of criminals help him dragging their prisoners.
Senior can't help looking at Tony and thinking he hasn't got more time left.
And he suddenly understands that no one is supposing to leave the meeting alive.
His eyes are now full of alarming resolution.

"Ziva where are your proofs?" asks worried Mcgee.
The director answers in place of Ziva.
"Mossad doesn't use this methods guys, and neither Ziva. You should have known this".
Gibbs is about to defend her, but Ziva is faster.
"I'm not a Mossad killer. I'm a NCIS agent.
You're the only one who hasn't realised it so far.
And before you bother my team asking such a stupid question again, I'll answer you: yes, I have proofs.
Actually, I have only one question for you: why didn't you tried to kill me?".
"Leon, answer her" commands firmly Gibbs.
After a long silence the former finally responds:"I wanted to cancel from your life the only person you'd loved. Eye for an eye..".
"You think I'm the responsible for your wife's death...".
Ziva releases her grab from Vance's throat leaving her friends speechless.
"You should have thought less about you and more about her. How do you think she's feeling now? You aren't the man she had married anymore.
You can't understand something I had learned knowing Gibbs. The heartache doesn't change you; it reveals who you really are.
Now think of Jackie and tell me where Tony is".
Everyone was expecting Ziva to get mad and no one would have blamed her, but this change of behaviour, so unusual for her, has revealed her not as physically weak, but even more stronger.
On the contrary, the director seems to drown his mistakes in anger. He simply stares at the team and states: " It's too late. They'd already killed him. Your precious Tony is dead. Your baby won't have a father. See David, your love has sentenced both your boyfriend and your child".

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I put Tony's words in Italian coz I think it would have been cute. Anyway, I'll write the translation: •Dad, what the hell are you doing? Don't you understand that, even though all the mistakes you've done, you'll still remain a father to me?
I still care about you and I'm sorry to have made you enter in this mess.
I love you•.
It's so cute, isn't it? u.u
Have a wonderful week!

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