Chapter 2

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Ziva is driving the van the faster she can, so very fast. She is heading to Tony's apartment without even looking at the names of the streets. This is strange. Mcgee is asking himself how she knows by heart the way to Dinozzo's.
He is starting to think more about their glances and jokes, maybe they had broken rule #12 and he is realising it only now!
Anyway, Gibbs doesn't seem wondering about it. At the moment, he is just worried for his agent.
They finally arrive and get out. The team goes in holding their guns.
"Clear!" everyone shouts. The house seems OK, apart from the bedroom, which is a complete mess. Mcgee enteres and says "Look here. All his precious shirts are on the floor. Tony would cry".
Ziva reaches him and whispers in his ear "Mcgee, I'm very upset. Why is only this room like this? And where is Tony?".
"Mcgee!" they heard from upstairs. "Coming boss!".
Ziva is now alone in his colleague's room. She starts taking photos and opening every wardrobe and drawer.
She eventually finds something unexpected: in his bedside table there is a heart made of steel with lots of holes in it. What does that mean?

They were all sitting in Tony's dining room. "Boss, his phone still is off. What can we do?" states a nervous Mcgee.
Gibbs "Let's examine the evidences".
"But boss, we don't have anything!".
"You're wrong Mcgee. Ziver tell us what you have found".
Ziva " Well, I've found only a strange steel-heart. But this makes no sense. How could you take it as a clue?"
Gibbs "A riddled heart is a synonym of death, a threat for mafia. And all the victims were Italian, so..."
Mcgee and Ziva are looking frightened to each other. "I though the same when I found the connection between the victims, but boss this can't be real. Tony didn't told anything to us and neither to you, did he?" asked the younger man.
Gibbs shakes his head.
"Then" resumes Ziva "what the hell..."
"Guys, I think they were blackmailing him".
A shocked silence fills the apartment.
The thought that their colleague was being blackmailed and that nobody had noticed it was too shocking. Ziva is feeling guilty. "I was right. Everyone who tries to get close to me ends up dead or missing".
Gibbs suddenly yells "Tony was kidnapped by someone and we're staying here doing nothing like idiots! Mcgee, go inform Abby and give her the evidences.
Ziva, you and I will look for the criminals".
Everyone is relief that Gibbs has returned himself and follows his orders.

After two hours of hard work the team hasn't found anything and they are getting mad at their selves, especially Abby. She is down in her laboratory scrutinizing that damn metal-heart with her face covered by tears. Mcgee and Ziva are feeling guilty. They are both missing Tony's gaps and quotes.
And Gibbs? It's impossible to understand his unreadable face but his behaviour is less calm than usual.
Suddenly Ziva stands up, grabs her gear and runs to the elevator. The doors open and Gibbs faces her. "Where are you going?". Ziva takes a deep breath, trying to calm down, and explains " Gibbs, I feel like we've missed something. I'm going there and don't try to stop me! I know it's illogical but it's you who has told me to follow my gut and I am.."
"Ziver it's OK. I agree with you.
"Of course not! Where are we going?" asks a panting Mcgee.
"To Tony's. We're looking for the motive of the kidnapping. Ziva" he says holding the van's keys "You're driving".

He wakes up in a dark and small room. His wrist are hurting: some chains are attached to them and to his ankles too.
"Hi Anthony. Glad to see you're awake." the man says with a smile badder than the evil's one.
"Who are you?" asks Tony trying to remember that face.
"It doesn't matter who I am. It matters who you are and what you have done".
Tony is confused: he doesn't remember him and his head is pulsating painfully.
"Ehy look at me!" shouts the kidnapper. He hits Tony with a punch in the face. "I'll make you remember" whispers the stranger and starts beating him.
"Please boss. Don't come. They will hurt you and kill you.
You can't help me now. Just stay safe" thinks Tony before collapsing.

"Boss I've found something! Here are some papers!" shouts Mcgee.
"Where were they?" asks a surprised Ziva. "Hidden in one of his dvds" he answers. "But they're sealed, I don't think we should..."
"Give them to me" exclames Ziva gripping her knife.
A lots of papers fall down on the floor.
There are some photos, mainly portraiting Ziva. Behind the first of them there was written: " We'll kill your family. We know it was you".
Ziva bursts into tears.

What do you think guys? Let me know! Private messages are also welcome!
Thank you all for your support!! ☆☆☆

Past's ghosts are backजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें